Doomed to live

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A/N: This part contains more adult content than usual. Discretion is advised.

March 11th, 1984 02:04 hrs.
Dhekelia SBA Memorial Hospital, Cyprus.

"Pick the little bitch up, hurry!"

"She's obviously dead. There's no way someone can survive that."

"Shut the fuck up, do what I say or I'll tell the commander."

"A'ight, Jeez." The XOF soldier lifted a disfigured female body "Ugh, I think she's alive, but doesn't look good. What waste of a good pussy."

[XOF's female assassin P.O.V.]


Still... being burned up by my hero... is a preferable alternative to... whatever they will do to me. I-I... aargh!

[Days later]

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I messed it up on the mission. It went so bad that I was set on fire, but I wasn't fortunate enough to die.

I've been tied to a bed with the beeps from a heart rate monitor making me company for what I estimated has been days, blindfolded and gagged like a dog.

I am afraid of what will happen to me. Part of the torture has already begun: my lower body hurts as hell and I don't have any clothes on in my upper body. Plus, I feel kind of suffocated. In spite of that, this is amateur torture compared to what he or Cipher can really do.

I should have shot Big Boss right after I obtained the gun, but I had mixed feelings. On one side, I had to get the job done just as I did the hundreds times before, but on the other side, I was desiring to get to know him, to meet the living legend. Now I see it was a mistake.

I was disappointed after realizing that he was nothing but a weak, pathetic and severed man. However, I couldn't shoot him after listening all the tales told around his legend by the human trashes who I call teammates; many of them were even present in 1964 when he... no, never mind. I won't think about it anymore. I hate that man, but even after this, I can't get myself to hate the legend of Big Boss.

Freezing because of my bare chest, I noticed that I did not feel much hunger, which is rare since I haven't eaten a single food in days.

When I was about to finally get some sleep, I heard the second most terrifying sound that haunts me all days: That walking, that goddamn walking produced by a pair of western style boots. I caught the squeak of a door opening, just to hear the most frightening sound that creeps me out and gives me nightmares every night–my commander's voice.

 I caught the squeak of a door opening, just to hear the most frightening sound that creeps me out and gives me nightmares every night–my commander's voice

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"Ah, good morning." said the bastard sarcastically "I assume that you have had sufficient time to reflect about your mistake, (...)." He called me by my real name –he knows how much I despise being called by my real name by him, yet he keeps doing it just for fun– "You are already aware of the procedure, null tolerance when it comes to failure." in that moment, the beeps from the heart monitor increased beastly confirming that it was indeed measuring mine. "However, feel blessed, you will be given the unusual chance of redemption. How could you possibly refuse such a generous offer?".

The motherfucker took the gag off my mouth, but kept the blindfold on, and when I tried to say something he put his nasty finger on my mouth preventing me from talk. "Shhhh, say a word and I'll make you regret it... please, allow me to explain." He sat down on my bed and continued: "You see, I can understand your pain; I was burned alive once too. But you were lucky, not everyone is fortunate enough to keep their good appearance." Resentment was unmistakable in his voice "I used an experimental therapy... parasite therapy to be precise." In that moment I became even more terrified than I was. I have seen with my own eyes the abominations in which the parasites turn the subjects–The Parasite Unit and that failed experiment. "Courtesy of a good friend." I knew who he was referring to–that old weird Diné whom he kidnapped.

This monster doesn't know, but the old man taught some Navajo whenever nobody was looking. He has been the only one here who has treated me like a human being.

 He has been the only one here who has treated me like a human being

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"We all suffered loss and you're not the exception." The bastard got so close that I could even feel his awful breath. "You were reanimated, although, it came with a price. You have been denuded from your words and your garments." I did not understand what he mean at that moment. "Most of your organs were burnt, even your lungs, now you breath through your skin." "This means no more heavy clothing for you." I gulped when he laid his filthy hand on my cleavage and my exposed breasts. "Blame Big Boss and feel the eager of vengeance within you." He began playing with my hair. "You'll have your chance of revenge once I get informed by my mole wherein place he'll be. Until then, your lower body will receive the rest of the parasite therapy. It will take more time without the help of our friend; he's been... reluctant to cooperate since I stole his parasite research. Even so, I know how to convince him."

I do not know how, but one of my hands freed from the tight ropes. "I see you're discovering your new abilities." Then, the bastard untied my other hand, and after which he said: "Truly a pity that your crotch is covered I would have enjoyed having fun one more time, but I doubt I'll find you attractive anymore, my little bioweapon." That triggered memories of all the crap that he and his subordinates pieces of shit and teammates of I did to me. I fought the urge to vomit when I remembered it. "You are no woman any longer but a thing now." He stood up slowly, passing his hand all over my naked body "Get well soon." said sarcastically again. "I'll give you the details of your condition later. Just remember. If you speak. You will suffer."

He went out of the room, and as I heard his walking farther and farther, I felt sicker and sicker. My hair, my breasts, my lips, all of me felt dirty. I grabbed the ropes soaked in the blood of my wrists and tied them around my hair, making a ponytail to never let anybody play with it again. I tried not to cry but I just couldn't help it. Surprise was that my own tears burned my skin. It hurt so bad. So bad. So bad.

I wanna die

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I wanna die...

[End of the female assassin P.O.V.]

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