Chapter 3 - V1

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April 2nd.

The start of the official classes would be today. Am I supposed to feel excitement? fear? maybe a little bit apprehensive?

If I am being perfectly honest, the academics in this school are worth nothing to me, its curriculum I've long learned in that place. This education would bore me to death, almost not challenging me to even use a fraction of what I've learnt.

And yet, I still feel as if I am walking to the school building with apprehension, why is that? Is it because of the inevitable human interaction? Maybe it is because I am excited to learn more about the curious existence of human relationships? That is the most probable case.

That is why I came here, after all.

I came here to learn more about myself, to learn more about interactions on the most basic level. These types of lessons weren't taught in that place. 'Only real life experiences can teach you that', they said. I argued with my father that it was unnatural for a boy of my age to lack social interactions. Fortunately, he agreed with my plan of enrolling in this school for the sake of that alone. With a little help from Matsuo, an old butler, I found this place as the perfect testing ground.

A place wherein I could learn how to interact and learn how to live alone.

My father, although apprehensive at first, succumbed to my wishes after a few talks. A man such as him, although lacking in emotional support, understands the importance of logic and reasoning when it is handed to him in a golden basket. He had no counter arguments to refuse my proposal of enrolling here, and so I got what I needed in the end.

Some might say that it was a loveless environment to grow up in, and while it was true for the other kids in my generation, it wasn't for me.

Mother was one of the instructors, although a bit strict, she was there to teach me all about love and emotions, guiding me when I needed it the most.

It was also because of this that I was the only one in my generation to not drop out. Her support carried me through the harsh training regimen. While some of the specimens were glad to escape the facility to go back into living in the real world once they failed, I strived harder to impress my parents, to show them that genes weren't the only foundation to create a genius.

It was only last year, when I passed the final exam of the facility. My mother was glad that I was finally done with the curriculum, and my father, although having an emotionless face such as I, was clearly proud to show off my feats to the other shareholders of the company.

It was because of me passing that I got this opportunity to attend this 'elite' school, and I wouldn't waste it for the world.

I wonder what would happen to me after this three years... My father planned for me to rule Japan, wanting me to take on politics and slowly build my way to the top. While I still want to do that, I argued with him that I wanted to see firsthand the society I was raised to rule. I wanted to see its faults and problems, its good and bad. I remember the final words I heard from him before climbing up the bus yesterday;

"I don't care if you get yourself in love, as long you don't stray away from our goals, you are free to do whatever you wish."

I wonder what he meant by that? Did he anticipate that I would be entering a romantic relationship in this three years?

Thinking clearly, it's only natural to assume so, as romantic relationships are the pinnacle of human touch. Even so, would three years of education about the human psyche be enough to fall in lo-

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