Chapter 16 - Goodbye... Kinda

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I picked up my phone again and dialled the numbers, hesitating after every key I pressed.

“Hello…?” A voice croaked on the other end.

“Jack.” I said simply.

“Baby.” He replied and I could feel him smile weakly, followed by a cough.

“Jack can we… Can we talk..?” I sniffed.

“Yea- hey.. are you crying? Is it Nash? What’s he done Regan?” 

“It’s not him, Jack.” I spoke helplessly. “Jack.. i-it… we’re.. we are not gonna work.” I finally said covering my mouth to stop me crying louder holding the phone away from me.

He paused. “What? What are you talking about…? Is this another one of your jokes Regan because I don’t find this one as funny.” He called uneasily from the other end. 

Yet again, I tried to calm myself down. “It’s not you,” My voice cracked. “It’s me.. Please understand.”

“What? No, what’s going on, you’re.. you’re breaking up with me..?” He whispered, I could hear the pain in his speech. I put the phone down on the floor and cried silently, the tears just gushing down my damp cheeks. I couldn’t bring myself to talk to him. I loved him so much, I hated myself.

“Regan.. I.. Is it me? Just tell me what I did, I’ll fix it.” He pleaded which only made me cry more. He hadn’t done anything, he was perfect, I just couldn’t handle it. 

“Jack, Im sorry.” I finally said before hanging up and starting to cry out loud. My insides were burning, he must have been so broken, and all because of me. I wanted to die, he didn’t deserve this.

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