Chapter 38 - Wow.

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“Hey.” I smiled sweetly. I wasn’t mad at him anymore, the past was in the past.

“You look great.” He smiled, looking at me. I blushed slightly.

“Thanks, that colour suit on you looks nice.” I said referring to his navy coloured Jacket. 

“Why thank you.” He smiled slightly, his hands in his pockets. “I’m sorry for everything Regan.”

“Don’t be. I’m sorry you got punched by that Jack asshole.” I rolled my eyes.

“You two had an argument?”

“Break up.” I corrected him. “But its great, I feel young, free and single. I am young, free and single.” I smiled wide. A slow song came on and everyone started pairing up. Nash scratched the back go his head awkwardly, before slipping a hand out his pocket and holding it out.

“May I have this dance?” He put on an English accent. I turned around at Kayla and Aleena to see their reaction, they eagerly nodded their heads and ran off with each other onto the dance floor.

“You may.” I said gracefully as he escorted me to the dance floor where everyone was. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he locked his around my waist, looking into each others eyes. I didn’t like Nash in that way anymore, but I wanted to be good friends.

“I’m surprised you don’t have a date.” He said, looking down at me.

“I could say the same for you.” I giggled sightly.

“Oh no, my date threw up so I drove her home and came back.” He laughed slightly.

“Typical.” I rolled my eyes as we swayed. I looked beyond Nash’s left shoulder and saw Jack and Taylor, Jack still looking at me with Nash. What was his problem? I decided to shake it off and turned my head to the other direction to see Kayla and Aleena turning up. They looked so crazy, everyone was romantically slow dancing while they were doing hyped up crazy and fast dance moves which only made me laugh. They were insane. 

After about an hour of on and off dancing everyone started crowding around a big stage where our school principal was stood speaking into a microphone.

“Westside High, are you having a good time?!” He asked happily and the crowd boomed, including me. I was having a good time.

“Great! Now firstly we’d like to thank you all for coming out tonight, and we also have to announce the prom king and queen this year!” He bounced as the crowd cheered again. After an extra few minutes of him talking he finally cut to the chase. 

“Okay so after counting up your votes, the prom king of 2015 is…. “ Everyone started patting drumroll on their legs. “Louis Baker!” He cried out and there were claps and cheers filling the air as Louis, who I didn’t really know, got up to collect his crown before making a speech. I glanced around the many people until I caught Jack with his arm around Taylor. It hurt, I was’t going to deny it. I was so annoyed, I promised myself I wouldn’t dwell on him tonight. Just great. I pushed my way through the people and made my way over to the punch, which wasn’t far off. No one was there as everyone was listening to the principal announce prom queen.

“And your prom queen of 2015 is….” He cooed as everyone repeatedly drum rolled. I took several sips of my lunch not paying attention.

“Regan Stirling!” He finally called out and I almost choked. A wave of heads turned towards me as I noticed everyone was clapping and cheering. For me? That can’t have been right. 

“Is Regan here?” The principal said once more as I shuffled through the crowd and on stage. Everyone watched as I dipped my head slightly for the principal to put my crown on, even Jack watched. Wow, I actually felt like a queen. The crowd was still on fire.

“Go on Regan, make a speech.” The principal gestured to the microphone. I edged towards it, holding the pole it was on lightly.

“Wow.. uh..” I stuttered as the crowd fell silent. “This was the last thing I was expecting as of tonight.” I laughed slightly, earning a few smiles from the crowd. “I don’t how many of you voted for me, or why you would want to do that because trust me, I’m no princess, you can ask my parents that if you want.” I was joined by many people laughing. “I also feel really bad for the people that did deserve this instead of me, and I just want to say all you girls out there, you look like models tonight. Thank you.” I smiled and stood by Louis as the crowd roared and I spotted Jack leaving. Wow. Just wow.

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