Chapter 26 - My Daddy's Gonna Kill You

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A couple of days had passed and I needed to know if I did potentially have a baby growing inside of me, so I anxiously headed to the chemist. No one knew about it apart from Aleena, Jack and I. I couldn’t trust anyone else, and there was no way Mom or Dad were finding out about this, God knows what that would do to them. I weaved around isles, searching high and low looking for the stupid stick thing, when I found them. To be safe, I decided to take two, and plopped them on the counter refusing to make eye contact with the cashier there. I heard him sigh and he shook his head slightly out of the corner of my eye. I paid, grabbed the tests, and headed out with my head hung low. 

I felt sick already, standing over the toilet. We were at Jack’s house, Aleena and I, and they were both waiting outside the bathroom door, eager for news. I did my business on both tests and quickly put it down on the side, refusing to look, as I washed my hands. I stood in front of the mirror, staring at the lifeless figure in front of me. I couldn’t be pregnant could I? I hadn’t seen the result yet, I didn’t want to see. There was no way I could be pregnant I told myself repeatedly in my head. I stood up straight, wiped my nose, and smiled for the first time in days. I was ready. Edging my way over, I picked up the two tests, my eyes shut so I wouldn’t see properly. Within seconds I reluctantly opened my eyes. Two lines for pregnant, one line for not pregnant. Two lines. Two fucking lines. Just there on the test. I looked at the other test starting to pant, it to read pregnant. I felt tears in my eyes as I dropped both sticks and fell on my knees, placing my head in my hands and sobbing loudly. 

“Regan?” I heard Aleena call as she pushed her way through the door followed by Jack.

“Oh my God!” 

Aleena picked up the test and gasped when she saw it, turning to Jack and nodding slightly, fear in her eyes. By now I was sat against the wall of the bathtub, hugging my knees and crying into them. 

“Regan.” Jack said softly and sat beside me. “Regan, it’s going to be okay. I’m so sorry, this is my fault.”

He lifted my head up and wiped my wet cheek, which was smudged with black eye makeup. 

“I’m gonna be a mom.. And I’m sixteen!” I cried out and returned to my knees. 

“Regan, listen. Don’t cry, we’ll help you get an abortion.” Aleena placed her hand on my knee, caring.

“I’m a horrible person.” I cried, muffled from under my knees. “My Mom… Oh God my Mom she’ll explode.” I cried harder.

“She doesn’t have to know unless you want her to, okay?” Aleena said again.

I sniffed once more and suddenly pushed both Jack and Aleena off me as placed my hands on the rim of the toilet and threw up there and then. Aleena was quick to respond by holding my hair away from my face and Jack just rubbed my back gently.

“There, there.” He said soothingly, handing me toilet paper to wipe my mouth as I spat out the remains. They were so good to me. I wasn’t even sick from the pregnancy, just the overwhelmingness of it must have made me puke or something, I don’t know.


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