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TW : Suggested Depression

Zim continued to attend high-school daily, like usual. He needed something to keep his mind off from what had happened a few weeks ago, and high-school seemed to do the job for at-least eight hours. Yet he still had a burning hatred for the educational learning building.

He sighed, waiting in his home room for the teacher to begin class for the day once again. To be honest, nothing major happened to the alien male physically, just some puffy eye bags and lack of hygiene. But when it came to emotionally and mentally, it was more than expected. Whenever a person would look into his eyes, it was always filled with pure loneliness and sorrow. The sentences he had spoken would become dull without emotion. His mind became full with thoughts, negative thoughts. He always had these thoughts, even when he could be happy in a short time, it would be in the back of his head. These thoughts were filled with doubt, worry, low self-esteem, guilt, and shame. His personality just died as his mental state became worse as time went on. Not a single classmate or teacher noticed these chances in his behavior, they believed Zim had finally decided to become proper and calm from his usual behavior.

Well, that's wasn't fully the truth, a male human in the same home room had noticed these changes in his behavior as abnormal from the small alien male he knew for quite awhile now. The male at first was suspicious of his behavior, considering that the behavior was an act for one of his many plans to conquer planet Earth for his rulers, but by the current time, he already knew that his suspicions were completely wrong from the true picture. He still had the cameras he had planted inside of the alien's base from years ago, so he's able to spy on him from the comfort of his home. The one week he decided to spy on the alien during his change of behavior, he noticed that the alien's behavior was the exact the same during high-school. The time he was spying, the first thing he noticed was the overwhelming times he would cry, half of the time leading to a mental breakdown. The second thing he noticed was the large amount of time he slept in his bedroom, and when he wasn't sleeping, he would spend most of his time in bed. Doing any small items to keep him preoccupied. Listening to music, playing easy mobile games, watching videos, and on the rare chance, talking with Gir willingly. Not to mention his laboratory completely trashed, scratch that, his entire base trashed.

Perhaps it was mostly his human emotions, as Zim would call it, but he felt concerned for the irken seated behind him. He needed to engage in a conversation with the alien male sooner or later about his concerns. Perhaps after school? No, that would be to sudden. Imagine, your enemy coming up to you after school 'Oh! I saw you weren't acting like you usually do and was wondering if you were okay? Even though we hate each other to death?'. He would let out a annoyed filled breath, as he continued on contemplate on any other concept for approaching the small alien. Something where the male could converse with the other without face-to-face communication, including the ability to respond during anytime. The male knew the other did have a phone, but also took into account the chances of receiving the small alien's digits were quite slim. Possessing another concept in case of the first concept not happening may be a good choice to make, perhaps he would place a letter in his locker to ask him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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