Epilogue:A promise forever

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||Ten years later

Ten years of being together was filled with happy memories.Well,Let's just say half of it was a happy memory.Just like what they say,'There is no perfect relationship'.We argue,We made mistakes sometimes but still chose to make up no matter what.

It's been sixteen years of marriage,Serenity is now fifteen years old while the  youngest in our family,Eun Ae is turning seven soon.

Time really flies so fast...

Their princesses are no longer babies anymore.They felt happy knowing that their kids are starting to build their dreams but they can't help but to feel sad at the same time knowing that one day,They'll have to move out and have a life.

Jimin bought a house here Seoul but they always visit Busan every summer.Well,After the day we made up Jimin no longer allowed me to work thinking that he should be the one to provide them all the things they want and need.I don't wanna argue with him so i just agreed and focused all my attention on our family.

As Serenity grow older I,We noticed that she's becoming just like her aunt idol, Attorney Y/N but more feisty one.She loves reading law books even at young age,She sometimes visit her aunt's law firm and they noticed how she loves being in there.Not to mention how she begged them to enter archery class and Judo training.She's really into those kind of stuffs not like her little sister who's completely opposite of her.

Eun Ae on the other hand is sweet,kind and very bright person.She's more like Jimin's version when it comes to her attitude tho she looks exactly like her mother.Eun Ae loves participating school programs,She's also part of school officers not to mention her being on top of their class every year.

Their princesses grown up very smart and very beautiful so Jimin,Being the  over protective father to his princesses  always warned them to 'avoid boys'  and 'Don't trust them no matter how handsome or kind they are cuz THEY.ARE.BOYS.'To be honest,Hope is also scared but their princesses are always assuring them that they'll never like or date someone unless the reached the right age and of course when their father allowed them to.

Many tried to visit their house and ask them to'court their daughter',They also sent flowers,chocolates,different gifts for their daughters before and Jimin being Jimin,Bought a new house with a tight security and immediately sold their previous house.

A smile formed in Hope's lips as she remembered those memories.It's funny yet unforgettable.

How we wish we could just stay like this forever...

I looked up when i heard sudden footsteps from the stairs.I'm here at the living room right now with Jimin busy looking up to our family album when saw both of our daughters hurriedly wearing their shoes as they passed by the living room.

We both shared a look before standing up and followed them.

We reached the front door where our princesses are but seems like they didn't even noticed our presence.

Jimin cleared his throat to grab their attention."Ehem,Where are my princesses going?"

The youngest was the one who look up to them but still in a hurry."I have some piano class today daddy and I-I forgot so here i am."She pouted when her shoe laces are still undone.

Jimin nodded as he crossed his arms and turn his attention to the oldest who's also in a hurry."And you my princess?Where are you going?"

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