Part 3

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Bit of a boring start to this one, sorry.

"Umm..." said Lucy, "Could you put this back for me, I don't think I'll be needing it until we get to land, I think I'll go see Eustace, " she pulled the orange vest over her head and passed it to me.

"Of course, your majesty," I did a silly bow and we both laughed. I went back to the room the three of us were staying in and threw it onto the bed. I picked up a book that had gone askew and looked at the contents, 'We barely made it out, the serpent had itself wrapped around our-" I stopped reading and put it down. Outside I could hear people yelling, no, not yelling, cheering! I stepped out of the room and saw Caspian and Edmund duelling, for now, it looked as if Edmund were winning.

"Oh come on Caspian!" I cheered my brother on. He smiled and kept fighting. After a while, their swords were pointed at each other's throats and they were panting.

"You've grown stronger, my friend," said Caspian,

"Seems I have," replied Edmund,

"All right, back to work," ordered Drinian. The men went back to their work and a sailor passed a drink to Edmund, I followed him.

"Edmund... do you think if we keep sailing... to the end of the world... we'll just... tip off the edge?" asked Lucy, coming down from the top deck.

"Don't worry, Lu, we're a long way from there," replied Edmund. Eustace, a skinny boy with sand-blonde hair and wearing the most ridiculous clothes came out from under the deck.

"I see you're still talking nonsense, the two of you," he said, brushing himself off.

"Nonsense? Has he looked around?" I whispered to Reepicheep. The mouse laughed and ran across the rail.

"Are you feeling better?" asked Lucy,

"Yes, no thanks to you. It's lucky I have an iron constitution," replied Eustace.

"As effervescent as ever, I see. Find your sea legs?" Reepicheep asked the boy.

"Never lost them. Simply dealing with the shock of things. Mother says I have an acute disposition, due to my intelligence," Eustace responded. Edmund, who was drinking at the time, spat his water back into his cup, laughing. Lucy giggled.

"I don't think he has a cute anything," said Reepicheep. I climbed onto the railing and held onto the rigging.

"I'll have you all know, as soon as we find civilization... I'm contacting the British Consul. Have you all arrested for kidnapping!" said Eustace, suddenly angry. The boy stormed off and bumped into Caspian.

"Kidnapping, is it? That's funny. I thought we saved your life," Caspian exclaimed. Eustace stepped back, clearly intimidated.

"You held me against my will!" said Eustace,

"Ha!" laughed Reepicheep,

"Did I?" asked Caspian.

"In, what I must say, are the most unhygienic quarters. It's like a zoo down there!" returned Eustace. I jumped down next to Caspian, startling Eustace,

"We've tried to talk some sense into him, brother, really!" I explained to him,

"Sense?" exclaimed the boy.

"He's quite the complainer, isn't he?" said Reepicheep.

"He's just warming up," sighed Edmund,

"Land ho!" was heard from the crow's nest. Caspian ran up to where Drinian was standing and peered out onto the horizon.

"Come on," I said quickly to Lucy, "We need to get ready," I dragged Lucy into our room and Darcy followed. I handed Lucy the vest and she slipped it on. She also slipped a spare sword into a sheath and tied her hair away from her face. I took off my long coat, which would get in the way, and tied my hair up. I slipped my sword into its sheath and nodded to Lucy.

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