Chapter 21: The Last Chapter

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Jungkooks POV:
Ever since the funeral nothing has been the same with me. I've stopped eating completely, my rooms a mess, and I have this built up anger inside me that I don't know how to control. I've tried to get help but nothing works anymore.

Taehyungs POV:
I've been sleeping a lot more since that day. Nothing seems to motivate me anymore. I still get up and go for small walks sometimes but it doesn't make me happy like it used to. I have the strongest feeling somethings going to happen again and it worries me.

Savvy's POV:
I try to act like I'm fine while deep down it hurts a lot. I cant do the things I enjoy anymore because it reminds me of her. I get worried about Taehyung and Jungkook because they haven't been taking care of themselves. I cant do anything to help thought because I'm twice as bad. I still miss her like crazy but there's nothing I can do to get her back.

Jimins POV:
Watching my friends live like this has been terrible. Me and the other guys have been trying to help them but nothing seems to work. Jungkook worries me the most though because he's been acting so rude and cold to everyone. Taehyung hasn't fully recovered yet but he might not at all if he doesn't take care of himself. Savvy's just there, she acts fine around everyone but we all know she's still hurt. It's hurting all of us too. We just watch them push us away. Savvy doesn't even sleep with Namjoon or Seokjin anymore. They try not to show it but they're deeply hurt and upset.

Savvy's POV:
I had a sudden burst of motivation, like if I just drank a lot of coffee. I got out of bed and showered. It felt so nice and relaxing for the first time in forever. After I got changed I went downstairs with everyone else and decided to eat with them. It was already lunch time but I was too hungry to even care what time it was.

"What are you guys looking at?" I said with a mouth full of food.

"Nothing-" Jimin said nervously

"You just haven't been like this is a while." Yoongi said shocked .

"Yeah I know, but I've decided from today on I would try to put everything behind me and try to go back to normal." I said with a smile on my face. It felt nice to have a smile on my face again. I was happy to be out here with them, eventhough we were still missing Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Does anyone want to go on a walk with me?" I asked carefully looking at everyone's reaction. Namjoon and Seokjin raised their hands. I haven't spent time with them in forever and wondered if they still loved me the same.

On the walk:
They took me to some stores and I bought some new things I need for the house. On our way home they stopped at a park and we sat down for a while. There was a moment of awkward silence until Namjoon spoke.

"Savvy there is something we need to tell you." Namjoon spoke sounding sad.

"We need to break up with you. It's not cause of anything you've done, but we just fell out of love." Seokjin spoke in a soft voice, trying not to make me upset.

"It's okay. I understand, maybe it's for the best anyways." I said after a while of processing what they said. We all sat there in awkward silence until I just stood up and started walking. They both slowly walking behind me.

Back at the house:
I put all my things away and decided to check on Taehyung and Jungkook. I went to Taehyungs room first, I knocked on the door gently and waited for about 5 minutes. I was about to leave but he opened the door.

"Oh, hi savvy!" He said happily. He motioned me to come in his room.

"Hey Tae!" I respond and sat on his bed. I looked around his room and surprisingly it was pretty clean. There was a few empty water bottles here and there but that was it.

"So what's up?" He said awkwardly sitting next to me.

"Nothing much, I just wanted to check in on you. I haven't seen you in a long time." I said still looking around.

"Oh, well I'm doing fine." He said kinda sounding like he didn't want to talk.

"Well that's good to know. I should get going now. I have some things to do." I said while standing up.

"Okay! Be careful!" He said while walking me out the door. I smiled to him and walked away. As I was walking to Jungkooks room I thought about how I didn't see any pictures of Cj. It was odd because he used to have tons of them hanging on his wall. I shrugged it off and kept walking.

Jungkooks POV:
I was about to open my door to go grab another water bottle when someone started knocking. It scared me because no ones come to see me in such a long time. I still opened the door and to my surprise it was Savvy. Seeing her standing there, looking so beautiful kinda brought back old feelings, but I just pushed them away.

"Oh, hi savvy! What are you doing here?" I asked almost whispering.

"Hi!! I just wanted to check on you!" She said with a beautiful smile on her face. I couldn't help but start catching feelings again.

"Well I'm doing pretty good. Just been busy with some things." I told her eventhough it was a lie. I haven't done anything until now.

"Oh okay, we'll I'll let you get back to whatever you're doing!" She said waving goodbye. I waved back and watched her walk away.

Savvy's POV:
I don't know why but when Jungkook opened that door I got butterflies in my stomach. I hadn't felt like that in so long. I didn't want to push it though. Eventhough it was undeniable that I developed a crush on him I would leave it be. I wasn't ready for a new relationship. Before we knew it the nighttime came and I was getting ready for bed.

Unknowns POV:
I couldn't take it anymore, my growing hate for him was getting uncontrollable. I blamed him for everything that happened. If he was there none of this would've happened. That night while he was sleeping I walked into his room. I stood there for about 3 minutes just looking at him. Then I did it. I stabbed Taehyung to death.

Authors note:
That's it guys!! This is the end of season 1!! I'm so thankful for all the love you guys have given this story! I cant wait for season 2!! It's going to be so amazing! Thank you all once again! Stay safe! I purple you!! 💜💜💜💜

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