Chapter Three - Work of art

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Great so now I look like a complete stalker stood front row at my neighbours concert. He never mentioned anything about being in a band only that he had to travel with work. The blood rushed to my cheeks and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I turn to look at the crowd, anywhere other than at Damiano, there were masses of people around us taking photos and shouting to the band. People pushing behind us causing my ribs to slam against the metal barrier, that's going to bruise in the morning.

"That's your fucking neighbour" shouts Marie in total disbelief.

"Yeah we need to go" I say with a serious expression.

"Absolutely not, let's just stay for a few songs and we will leave I promise."

I roll my eyes and nod causing Marie to grin.

The lights dim and the music starts, I have to say I'm surprised about how much I like their music. The beautiful Italian words combined with heavier drums and guitar, it's a work of art. We decide despite the awkwardness we were going to make the most of it considering we had bought the tickets and walked all the way here. Marie pulls out two hip flasks from her bag, I smile and shake my head and take one. I take a drink and feel like tequila warm my throat, this could get messy. After a few songs the alcohol begins to hit us, Marie grabs my hair and pulls out my hair band before running her fingers through my hair making my curls fly in every direction. We laugh and begin to dance, moving our bodies to the music without a single care in the world. This is why I left England, I feel alive.

I could feel someone watching me but I assumed it was Marie until I turned around to see her making out with a girl she had pushed past earlier this evening, I roll my eyes and look back up on the stage to find Damiano staring right at me. I could feel his eyes burning into me watching every move I made. The embarrassment from earlier came flooding back, but in my drunken state I decided to try and keep his eyes on me. I carried on dancing slowly to the music, gliding my hands up and down my dress and through my hair. It was almost like him and I were the only people in the room. He smiles and carries on with the last song before the lights come on almost blinding me, great now I have to find Marie. I wait by the barriers until the crowds make their way outside so I can get a better look. A bouncer comes over to me and tells me it's time to leave, I explain that I can't find my friend and she isn't answering her phone. He informs me that a few girls were invited backstage so she might be there, I nod and follow him praying I don't bump into Damiano on the way. Backstage smells of cigarettes and nail varnish, it's dimly lit so I stay as close as I can to the bouncer leading me past all of the band equipment and staff. He leads me to a small room with a red sofa covered in cigarette burns and tells me to wait here. What the hell have I got myself into. After a few minutes the heavy wooden door swings open and there he is. Tight leather trousers cling to his hips and a gold chain hanging from his neck against his naked chest, I look up at him like a deer in headlights. He slams the door behind him with a cold expression, I step back and jump from the sound of the door. He walks over to me without saying a word, tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and whispers "if you are a fan you should have told me." I stand frozen feeling his warm breath on my neck smelling the alcohol and cigarettes on his breath.

"I didn't know this was your band you never told me." I say timidly.

"No of course you didn't." He says expressionless.

I stare back at him without knowing what to say I try to push past him to leave. He grabs my wrist to turn me around so my back is pressed against the door. I grip his forearm for support, both of us clearly too drunk to have this conversation. I've never wanted anyone more in my life, without the consideration for the consequences of my actions I step forward to him kissing him softly. I step back in disbelief, why the fuck did I just do that. Before I could move to leave he pushes me against the door gripping the sides of my face returning the kiss but harder. My hands find their way to his hips pulling him closer to me. The air is heavy with passion and desire. His fingers make their way down to the bottom of my dress, gently drawing circles on my thighs while pulling it up slowly causing a small moan to escape into his mouth.

Three loud bangs on the door behind me make us stop suddenly. "Grace, you in there?" Perfect timing as always Marie. I give Damiano a timid smile and awkwardly free myself from his grip before almost running out of the door.

"What were you doing in there?"

"Oh just looking for you, let's go I want to go home."

We walk back to my apartment in silence partly because we were drunk and concentrating on not falling, but mainly because I was reliving what just happened. This lust in his eyes. The heaviness of his kiss with the gentle touch of his hands. I hope I don't see him tomorrow.

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