Chapter Five - Lost in the night

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The alarm on my phone rang in my ear from the bedside table, with one eye open I manage to turn it off. I left my curtains slightly open because I love the way the sun gently fills the room in the morning, there aren't many people on the street below from what I can see. Just an old man riding his bike and a lady carrying stock towards the market, I have fallen in love with this city and the people in it I could stare out of this window forever.

I had packed my suitcase the night before, overpacking as usual to the point I had to sit on it to close it. I pull on a cardigan and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth, looking at myself in the mirror I ask myself how did this happen? I'm about to tour Europe with my neighbour who happens to be the singer of a popular Italian band, not how I expected this trip to go. Walking back into my bedroom opening my window and holding onto the metal rail I lean forward turning my face to the sun, it's 7am and I can already tell it's going to be hot today. I pulled on some beige mom shorts and a white T shirt before sitting down to tie my white converse, I've always been to clumsy to tie my laces stood up. Before I could get up I heard three loud knocks on my door followed by a familiar Italian accent shouting "let's gooooo." I smile grab my suitcase and open the door.

Damiano is wearing grey suit trousers with a baggy white t shirt paired with white vans. He looks perfect the sunlight falling through the top of the main door bounces off his gold chain hanging from his neck. I suddenly feel underdressed and self conscious but there wasn't time to change. Damiano takes my suitcase and we begin to walk down the stairs making light conversation about the tour ahead of us.

"Wait up" I hear a female voice behind us. I turn to see Victoria who I had met briefly yesterday, skipping down the stairs with a beaming smile she links my arm.

"Are you excited for your first ever tour?" She asks in a high pitch excited voice.

"I barely slept last night thinking of all the beautiful places we will see along the way and people we will meet."

"You're going to have the best time I'll make sure of it." I really liked Victoria even though I barely know her, she just has this contagious smile and positivity it's impossible to be sad around her.

Ethan and Thomas are sat on the pavement looking half asleep and fiddling with stones on the road. They hear us open the door and help each other up, Damiano introduces me to them they both offer their hand for me to shake which felt very formal but a sweet gesture. The luggage section of our bus opens before a tall man greets us in Italian everyone else responds so I just smile and say hi.

We get on the bus I was surprised at the size I expected it to feel claustrophobic but our beds were a decent size for bunks and the living space was generous for the five of us. Thomas and Ethan decide to get some sleep, I'm pretty sure they went out for a few drinks last night so there's a good chance they're nursing a mild hangover. Damiano and Victoria flick through Netflix watching the trailers and deciding what to put on. I rest my temple on the window watching the cars shoot by I wonder where everyone is going. I open my eyes to the bright sunlight shining directly at me, I realise I must have fallen asleep. I squint my eyes and look up to see that my head is resting on Damiano shoulder who is concentrating on the tv. I slowly sit up causing him to dart his attention to me.

"I'm so sorry you should have woken me up." I say embarrassed.

"It's no problem at all" he says with a gentle smile.

"Where are we?" I ask looking out of the window trying to see a road sign.

"About fifteen minutes away from the hotel." He says before answering his phone speaking in Italian so I have no idea who it is or what they're talking about. We drive through a busy street filled with people pulling suitcases and excited for their holiday ahead. Our bus comes to an abrupt stop causing a glass to fall from the table making us jump but luckily not breaking. We gather our things and head to the front of the bus walking past Ethan and Thomas half asleep scrambling to be ready in time. The driver is busy getting our cases from below the bus by the time we get down. Suitcases in hand we turn to see our hotel, beautiful marble stairs lead to the most grand hotel I'd ever seen. We check in at reception before all cramming into the same elevator, Victoria and I are so close our nose are almost touching causing us to laugh until Ethan realises and pushes back to force us closer. The elevator doors open and we walk out laughing, I expected to walk down a corridor but we were inside our suit.

Beautiful marble flooring and expensive vases filled with flowers decorated the main room, I felt as if I were in a dream. We abandon our luggage to explore the rest of our accommodation. There were five bedrooms with single beds three at one end and two at the other, Ethan, Thomas, and Victoria took the three at the far side leaving me and Damiano to take the other two by the elevator. We all take time to put our belongings away as we are staying here for a week and fighting for coat hangers before meeting again in the main room. Thomas, Ethan, and Damiano decide to take a walk and explore but Victoria and I stayed behind to take a nap and settle in after travelling.

The boys returned and we all showered and changed ready to get dinner. We decided to find a restaurant rather than eating at the hotel, instead of staying on the main street we turn down a quiet side street with fairy lights hanging from the stone wall leading to a small restaurant with only three tables inside. We stayed for over two hours eating, drinking and laughing. I barely knew these people but already I felt part of their little family with everyone making sure I was included in conversation. Ethan and Thomas link their arms with Victoria who had one to many glasses of wine while Damiano and I follow behind. We walk slowly in silence taking in everything around us, it was comfortable silence with the occasional small smile exchanged. When we arrive back at our apartment Thomas and Ethan take a now very sleepy Victoria to her room.

"Goodnight" I say softly with a smile. He smiles and nods his head.

I open the door and realise none of these bags are mine, awkwardly turning back to see Damiano smirking in the doorway.

"Better not get lost in the night." He says with a wink.

Instantly flustered I nod and brush past him almost running into my room closing the door and cringing at myself. Images of Damiano walking into my room in the night floor my mind as I desperately try to suppress my attraction. This could be a long tour.

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