Chapter Eight - The Fall

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Sometimes when I look at him I wonder if I'm dreaming. But I soon realise that can't be the case, my mind is small in comparison to his. The people that he's met, the places that he's been to gave him knowledge, wisdom. Wisdom that I didn't have. It would be impossible for my small mind to create something as beautiful as him. His cheekbones sit highly on his face, carved too perfectly to have occurred by accident, leading me to believe that something ethereal spared a hand in his creation. Hand placing each delicate curl, olive skin draped over his bones like silk, but taking extra care to create the most beautiful yet guarded soul I ever had the pleasure to meet.
Despite the care put into creating each part of him, his rib cage wasn't strong enough to save his heart from breaking. Damiano while confident and talkative, he is reserved with any important or personal details. I longed to know who caused the pain behind his eyes. I would hunt them down. Walk to the ends of the earth to find them if that's what it took. Whilst he was my protector in my hour of need, I feel strangely protective of him. If given the opportunity I would use myself as a human shield, harbour any negative emotion on his behalf.
Fighting my feelings for him is like changing your mind once you've jumped out of a plane. Too fast, too intense yet there was no way of escaping the inevitable. The fall. How could it be that I've fallen so fast? Gently walking over red flags as if they were soft blades of grass in the summer.

His mood changed faster than than the seasons, the light carefree energy like a spring morning quickly turned into the winter storms I'd seen so often in my home town. I know I should be afraid to be in a car with a man whose tempter is shorter than a matchstick, but if anything I feel protected by him. Before I realised it we were back at our hotel, Dami gets out and slams his door and is opening mine within a split second. He held a firm grip on my arm just above my elbow leaving me no choice but to follow into the reception of the hotel. He walks so fast I trip and almost fall more times than I can remember which results in a huff of annoyance.

"Can you just tell me what the hell is going on! You're going to break my arm." I say as I squirm in his grip as we get into the elevator.

Dami stops and pushes me against the wall with his hands either side of my head. "I've never asked you for anything Grace, but I'm asking you to trust me. I promise you that nothing is going to happen to you I will keep you safe." His eyes glisten as if he's about to cry.

Gently putting a hand over his I take a moment to reflect on his words. "If I'm in danger then I need to know, it's scaring me that there's clearly something going on and you're not telling me."

"I need to talk to the others first, you'll understand why after. But I promise as soon as I've talked to them I will explain everything. Just know that I'm truly sorry about everything and I care more deeply for you than I ever expected in such a short amount of time."

He pressed a delicate kiss on my lips lingering for a second as if he didn't want the moment to end before the elevator doors opened and we walked silently to the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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