Chapter Four - A blessing in disguise

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Resting my forehead on my front door I try to find my keys in the chaos that is my handbag. Saying a quick goodnight to Marie I walk into my bedroom. I didn't close my curtains before we left, the city looks beautiful at night, full of life yet so peaceful. I change into a white baggy t shirt and climb into bed certain that I'd fall asleep straight away. Yet when I close my eyes, all I see is him.

The dreaded ringing of my alarm fills the room, knocking over a glass of water in a panic to turn it off before I wake Marie who is probably passed out on the sofa. "Why have I set an alarm for 6am?" I check my calendar and I have a job interview in an hour. "Shit shit shit" running to get a shower then frantically trying every item of clothes on in my wardrobe. I settle for a pair of black suit trousers, white shirt and black sweater vest.

I studied psychology at university and applied to become a research assistant at a university close by. Running down the street frantically waving at passing taxis, desperately hungover and trying to not think about what happened last night. Finally a taxi stops for me and drives me to the university. I arrive with five minutes to spare, the lady on reception is cold and blunt telling me to wait with the other applicants. Everyone looks so professional and put together I begin to feel the imposter syndrome creeping in.

"Grace Clarke" calls a voice from behind me. I turn to see a young lady in a navy dress holding the door.

"That's me" I say with a smile grabbing my handbag and following her through the doors.

"So Miss Clarke, could you tell us what experience you have with research and mental health."

"I studied psychology for my bachelors and masters degree, during that time we covered several modules that required us to conduct our own research. My personal favourite was..."

"Let me stop you there, so other than classroom based learning. You have no actual experience of research?"

"Well no, not exactly. But I'm a very fast learner and have always had a huge admiration for the impact research can have on reforms and new treatments."

"Okay thank you for your time Mrs Clarke but we won't be taking your application any further."

"Thank you for your time." I say almost through gritted teeth.

I decided to walk home to try and digest what had just happened. I worked so hard at university yet nobody will hire me because I have no experience. Walking through the streets of Rome watching children play, motorbikes wizzing past, and trying to navigate the cracked concrete slabs. I must have been in my own little world because before I knew it I'm back at my apartment. I'm not ready to face Marie and tell her about the disaster of an interview I just had so I sit on the cold concrete stairs watching the sun flood the room from a small window above the door. I hear footsteps behind me so I pick up my bag and slide to the side to let them pass. I see someone sit down next to me out of the corner of my eye, initially I panic incase it's the man from the top floor that stares a little too long. Slowly I turn to face them, it was Damiano.

"Why are you sat out here?"

"You don't want to know." I say with a sigh

"Try me." He says with an almost concerned expression.

I sit and tell him everything. How no matter how hard I work I'm never good enough at anything. Pouring my entire heart out to a man I drunkenly threw myself at last night.

"I may be the answer to all of your problems." He says with a smirk.

"How so?"

"Well, we need someone to manage our social media. Recently we've gained a lot of new fans and a lot of new followers. We need someone to create content for our social media accounts, is that something you could be interested in?"

"I mean I spend half of my day on social media so if you're paying me to do it I won't say no" I say with a small laugh.

"There is one condition."

"I knew it was too good to be true." I say rolling my eyes.

"You'd have to join us on a tour of Europe, we leave next Tuesday and we will be gone for five months."

"Wait so you're paying me to post on social media and go on holiday?"

"Basically yeah." He laughs

I stand up grabbing my handbag and walk towards my apartment.

"Where are you going?"

"To pack, see you Tuesday"

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