Chapter 9: Snippy

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*** Harley's POV ***

"You're going. Best case scenario, things never got going with the guy. Worst case scenario, you can reconnect as friends. Be patient, Harley." Uncle Doug coached me.

I left the shelter that day feeling a loss that I didn't understand. I accepted her friend request a few days later, but the radio silence between us was clear. I planned to do the rescue again two weeks later, but as fate would have it, that wasn't in the cards. Madison signed me up for some other PR event. I think she was actively trying to keep me from going on another overnight rescue.

The night of her birthday I had made sure she made it home safely. She convinced me to walk her up, but when she made a move to take things further I slipped and told her I met someone. She was drunk and destructive, going into complete meltdown mode. I stayed with her because I didn't trust that she wouldn't do something stupid to get my attention. She carried on until six in the morning until she passed out. I barely managed to make it home and collapse on my couch, not waking until after noon. I completed whiffed on my chance to get somewhere with Charlotte.

For the past two weeks, I beat myself up over that mistake. And now Madison was trying to interfere again. I had just decided I was going to tell her to find someone else, that I was going on the rescue, hoping with all hope that I hadn't totally missed my window of opportunity with Charlotte. Then I saw something on social media that stopped me cold.

Charlotte was tagged in a photo by Dani, her friend if I am remembering correctly. It was a picture of her smiling that breathtaking smile. But she was wrapped in that blonde son-of-a-bitch's arms and he was looking down at her like the treasure that she was. The caption read, "She won't make it official, but I will! My best friend is off the market!"

My heart plummeted. I whole new wave of misery slammed into me. I ended up bailing on the rescue and doing Madison's PR gig, although I can guarantee there was not one photo of me smiling at that pretentious event. Uncle Doug had managed to get the story out of me and was now insisting two weeks later that I go on the rescue again. In a moment of bravery, I called Charlie to confirm they needed me and he was eager to have me back. I wanted to ask about Charlotte, but held off.

Now, as I was dropping off Rays with Uncle Doug, I was second guessing my decision. "If she wanted to be friends, why hasn't she reached out in a month? This is stupid."

Uncle Doug gripped my shoulders firmly. "Faith and patience, Harley. Do you want to pray about it?"

"No. I want to pray for it to be over." I grumbled.

"Listen, Harley. Use this time to feel out the edges. If you come back and there's no room for you in her life, even as a friend, then at least you will have the closure you need. Bright side, you'll be helping those animals." His pep talk worked.

I somehow managed to get through my work day, although I had little recollection of what I actually did. Madison did pop by my office to invite me to happy hour like she usually did. I went maybe once a month and was due so she was more persistent than usual.

"Um, I'm headed out of town for the weekend." I stretched the truth.

"Oh? Where are you headed?" She questioned with an air of curiosity.

"Road trip with an buddy from high school." Again, technically not a lie.

"Well, we'll miss you. Next week then?" She let me off the hook surprisingly easy.

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