Chapter 15: Better Than I Imagined

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*** Harley's POV ***

Another poor night of sleep. When I left the park yesterday, I went straight to Uncle Doug's and was relieved to find Rays. I was suddenly paranoid that Jamie would do anything to keep his sick side hustle running, including implicating an unsuspecting Charlotte if I turned him in.

Uncle Doug knew right away that something was up. I didn't tell him everything but I told him enough to know that I was being coerced to keep my mouth shut about something incredibly troubling.

"You need to do what's right, Harley, and trust that all else will work out." He advised. "Do you want to pray on it?"

"But I can't put Charlotte at risk like that!" I protested.

"Would she want you making that decision for her?" He questioned.

I paused. This very issue would be what roiled around my head overnight. What would Charlotte want me to do?

"Your hesitation tells me that you have some doubts. Maybe you should talk to her." He coached.

"I can't. Then she'll know. It will devastate her." I said, imagining her response to learning that Jamie is behind all this.

"I know you want to protect her. You did from the moment you met her. But Harley, this involves her. She deserves to know and be involved in deciding what happens next." He urged. Uncle Doug was a just man. I trusted his judgment.

So after a night of tossing and turning and being alert to every random noise, I resolved to tell Charlotte everything. Bring her into the fold and let us face this head on. I was dreading it, but Uncle Doug was right.

I was waiting for her to arrive, making short work of the coffee that I brought for myself as the clock crept past our designated meeting time. Then I started to worry. It wasn't like Charlotte to be late. At 20 minutes past, I gripped my phone, ready to call when an unfamiliar car pulled up.

It was Jamie's. FUCK! They had an exchange and I saw him lean in. I looked away. She must have changed her mind about breaking up with him. I had to decide if I was going to drop this bombshell on her given this new development.

I got out of my car, dreading how this was going to go. The next thing I knew I was blindsided, slammed back against my car, the coffee I got Charlotte splattering the pavement. "What the hell?"

Jamie gripped my collar and got in my face. His voice was low and threatening. "You son of a bitch! She knows!"

My eyes widened in surprise. I gasped. "I didn't tell her!"

He squinted at me, studying me to determine whether I was lying. But his assessment was interrupted when Charlotte reached us. "Let him go, Jamie! What the hell is wrong with you?"

He released me and I shoved him back. Charlotte slipped between us, giving me a begging look. She then whirled on Jamie. "Beating up my friends is not winning you any points, Jamie."

"Colleague, right?" Jamie asked, glaring past Charlotte at me.

"No. You don't get to do that, Jamie." Charlotte stuck her finger in his face.

"Guilty, Charlotte? Is he the reason why you're dumping me?" Jamie accused. I think he was just trying to provide a cover for why he attacked me, but when Charlotte blushed it was like an admission of guilt.

Jamie cocked his head and raised his eyebrows. FUCK. He sneered. "Did you fuck her in the back of that van?"

"Jesus, Jamie! I DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU! You just lost my trust. And we're done with this conversation! I won't see you later. There's nothing more to discuss." Charlotte shouted him down. She grabbed my hand and dragged me behind her. I glanced back at Jamie and he gave me a threatening glare.

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