Chapter 14: Just Friends

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*** Charlotte's POV ***

I have my hands covering my head, leaning over the countertop when I get a text from Harley.

Harley: I have a lead. Headed to Mantua Park.

I hadn't heard from anyone in hours. I had contacted all the shelters and vet offices, leaving messages for the ones that weren't open. I was starting to lose hope, but Harley's text arrived right when I needed it. My heart rate picked up and I grabbed my bag and keys, heading out.

I wasn't sure of where Jamie was, if he was with Harley or not. I didn't care. He let this happen. Even if it was a mistake, it was the final nail in his coffin as far as I was concerned.

I saw Harley's car when I pulled up. He wasn't in it. I pulled out my phone with trembling hands to text him. Then I heard Murray bark. My head whipped up to see him secured on his leash, practically dragging Harley to get to me. I ran to them and dropped to my knees, hugging Murray and burying my tear-stained face in his fur. He was safe.

After a moment, I sat back and Harley's hand appeared to help me up. I took it and immediately threw myself into his arms. He held me and I swear my heart was trying to merge with his the way it was beating in my chest. I expected him to wear the same mask of relief as me, but that wasn't the case.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm glad we found him." He replied.

"Thanks to you." I made sure he knew how much I appreciated his help, leaning into him.

"Are you going to go see Jamie?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Before this, I thought we could be friends when we broke up, but I can't trust him now."

I felt Harley tense and I was surprised by what he said next. "Maybe you should hear him out."

I pulled back and stared up at him like he had grown another head. "Really?"

"Just don't do anything rash is all I'm saying." He responded. "I mean you forgave your brother eventually, right?"

I didn't know where this was coming from. It sounded like he was trying to advise me not to break up with him. It confused me. I shook my head and let out a frustrated grumble. "I'm drained. I'm going home tonight. I'll think about what you advised."

He looked like he wanted to say more, but just nodded, keeping his mouth shut. We walked back to the cars. I turned to him. "Intake tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure. Are you going to at least contact Jamie about the dogs?" He asked.

I thought about it for a moment. "Yeah. I should. No need for those animals to suffer anymore than they already have. Especially if they can go to good homes."

Harley looked pale all of a sudden. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Look. Talk to Charlie before you do anything with those dogs, okay? He may have some concerns about recent activity in the area." He told me urgently.

"Activity? Harley, what's going on?" I asked.

"Please, Lotte. Just do what I ask. I need to go." He said adamantly.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." I said, still not really understanding this weird conversation.

He looked at me longingly before getting into his car and speeding out of parking lot. I hoped he was in a clearer state of mind the next day.

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