Chapter 11: She's Not Mine

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*** Harley's POV ***

I set multiple alarms for the next morning, but didn't need any. I was eager to see Charlotte again. My interests were renewed and growing.

This Jamie character, I could tell he wasn't right for her. He doesn't understand her or appreciate her like I do. And while I wanted to be the impatient asshole, pushing my way in, I wasn't that guy. I'd be everything he wasn't so that when he missteps, which he will, I'll be there for her.

I receive a text from her while I'm in the shower.

Charlotte: Hey, would you mind swinging by to get me? Jamie has my car until later.

Harley: On my way. What do you think of me bringing Rays? He won't be any trouble and I read it's good to introduce new animals on neutral ground.

Charlotte: I'm impressed. Bring him!

I smile to myself like a school boy who made his teacher proud. I arrive at her place, coffee and breakfast in hand. But when I knock on her door, she doesn't answer. Dread fills me. Did Jamie step up to help her out? Did she forget about me?

Rays sits at my feet and tilts his head as though he can hear my thoughts. I pat his head and turn only to be met by another dog, barking.

Charlotte appeared at the other end of the dog's lead. Her face registered surprise and then her smile lit up, making the sun self-conscious in comparison. "You're here! And you must be Rays."

She dropped into a squat to love on Rays while Murray sniffed cautiously. She petted them both and looked absolutely at home between the two tail-wagging pooches. She popped back up and looked at my full hands.

"Mmm, I like starting my intake mornings with you, Mr. West." She purred. "We can be a little late. Come meet the crew. Rays won't try to eat my cats, will he?"

"I sure hope not. I have never seen him with cats before. Dogs at the dog park, sure." I remarked.

"Hmm, which park do you go to?" She asked.

We figured out that we've been going to the same dog park for years. "It's like we're fated to keep crossing paths."

She smiled shyly and looked at the tray of coffees I set on her counter. A cat jumped up and flopped over to be petted right in front of her. We both laughed. "Joey believes in fate too. Putting himself into these situations where he's just bound to be loved on. Get down, silly boy."

She lifts the cat and turns towards Rays. He is curious more than anything else, sniffing the gray cat thoroughly. Charlotte looks up at me with excited eyes. "I think he's going to do fine with a new roommate."

"Let's hope Gimmly is just as ready." I comment.

"Oh, he's ready to get the heck out of those cages. It's so sad that no one has interest in him." She retorted, looking sad and making me want to instantly comfort her. I heard a bird tweet out a melodic sound. It made Rays cower and we both laughed at his antics. Charlotte shook her head"Who knew Mr. Bonanza would be the one to fear."

"Where did that name come from?" I cracked up.

"His owner. I kept it because it was the old man's request." She shared.

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