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"You'll learn how to properly use your ability and everything will be fine," Erik whispered gently. Corinne stared at him, how could he be so sure? What if something did happen? Erik smiled softly before patting her shoulder lightly, "I can teach you," he muttered. She shook her head, Erik had trained to kill, that wasn't what she wanted to do.

"I don't need your help Erik," she said as she walked back inside, she sighed and quickly looked around before noticing Alex. She stared at him curiously and sat next to him, he looked back at her and frowned, "You know, it's my fault," he said before looking at the ground. "Darwin's death," he muttered. Corinne blinked and shook her head slowly before Alex gave her a certain look, "Alex, we didn't know that would happen," she said gently. "It wasn't your fault, it was Shaw's," she whispered.

Alex looked back at her and stared at her curiously, Corinne felt her heart racing, the way he stared at her was kind of mesmerizing actually. She noticed they were really close and she quickly felt the urge to lean in and kiss him, that's all she had to do. Corinne then leaned closer towards him, they were so close to each other, it felt so satisfying. He touched the side of her face gently and she smiled. "Oh god, if you're going to make out at least go somewhere private," Corinne suddenly heard Raven say.

Corinne immediately pulled away and shook her head, "That wasn't- that wasn't what was happening I-we were just-" she started as she noticed Raven and Hank staring at the two curiously. Alex blinked, "There was just something on her face," he said quickly, before revealing an eyelash. Corinne quickly stared at him confused, that was the reason why? So it didn't mean anything, of course it didn't mean anything. She then stood up and patted Raven's shoulder lightly, "What's up with Hank?" she whispered quietly so no one else could hear.

Raven laughed, "Shut up," she muttered before pushing Corinne lightly, Corinne rolled her eyes and looked back at Alex as Raven and Hank left. She stared at him apologetically before Alex quickly grabbed onto Corinne's waist making Corinne stumble. She felt his rough hands against her skin and she quickly felt her cheeks warming up, "Oh god," she whispered under her breath. Alex then pulled her close, he grinned and looked away, "Wow, you get flustered easily," he muttered. Corinne felt her heart racing, "It's not like I try to," she whispered nervously.

"Is it because of me?" he teased gently, Corinne quickly pulled away and stared at him in disbelief, her eyes widened and she rolled her eyes. "You wish," she muttered before looking away embarrassed. "Now come on, Rinne," Alex started, "Let's try something, you see-" he held onto Corinne's hand and dragged her outside, she stared at the lake and he looked at her. She watched as he took off his shoes and she did the same. Corinne stared at him curiously, "You see Sean?" he asked pointing to Sean who was reading something up on a hill, Corinne nodded, "You see that apple tree above him?"

Corinne blinked and realized what she wanted her to do, "Alex, no," she started, "Don't you dare!" she scoffed as he grinned. She rolled her eyes and he gave her a certain look, "Come on!" he whispered, "You can do it!" he teased. Corinne sighed and quickly raised her arm knocking an apple off the tree and making it fall on Sean's head. "Hey!" Sean shouted before looking at the two, Alex laughed excitedly and clapped. Corinne looked back at him and quickly looked at the lake. She smiled and quickly wrapped her arms around him before leaning close to his ear, "Can you swim?" she whispered.

Alex gave her a surprised look as she closed her eyes and pushed both of them into the water, it wasn't too deep. They could touch the ground, her shoulders were above water at least. The water was cold. She swam up and looked at Alex who was shaking his head, "Rinne!" he shouted before swimming towards her. She laughed and wiped the hair away from her face, "Come on, you know you deserved this," she said as she stared at him. He rolled his eyes and quickly splashed water onto her face. Corinne flinched and quickly looked back at him, Alex laughed and she got out of the lake.

Her clothes were soaked and she quickly dried her hair by squeezing all the water out, she then looked around and realized Alex was gone. She blinked, did he leave? She looked around, the lake was big, he could've swam somewhere else right? "Alex?" she called out confused. Corinne frowned and felt water dripping everywhere, she sighed and looked around before taking off her shirt. No one saw right?

She dived inside the water and closed her eyes before feeling someone grab onto her arm, she let out a cry and quickly placed her head above the water to see Alex. "You idiot!" she cried as he carried her out of the water. Alex panted heavily before staring at her for a second, he took off his shirt and quickly went to cover her up. "Really exposing yourself aren't you?" he whispered before putting the shirt on her. Corinne blinked and felt his cold damp shirt against her skin, she shook her head and shivered.

Alex wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close as they sat on the grass, Corinne leaned on his shoulder and shivered. "That was fun though wasn't it?" she asked quickly, Alex gave her a certain look. "Fun? God no, Corinne that was horrible," he muttered. "It was cold," he frowned. Corinne laughed as she stared at his face, he seemed worried, she grabbed onto the side of his face and smiled before nodding. She leaned in and kissed him gently, he kissed back passionately before wrapping his arms around her back and pulling her close.

Corinne then pulled away and stared at him confused, "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that," she muttered. Alex shook his head and pulled her back, "No it's fine," he whispered before leaning in and leaving small kisses on her neck. Corinne arched her head back and quickly wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer. "Alex," Corinne whispered softly as he continued to caress her. Their foreheads met and she smiled before kissing his cheek lightly, he laughed quietly. "Rinne, I'm in love with you," he whispered. Corinne nodded and leaned on his shoulder lightly as they hugged, "I'm in love with you too Alex," she mumbled gently. 

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