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Corinne blinked as she looked at Sage expressionless, she sighed as she sat in Charles' office. He didn't seem too happy, "So she hit you?" he asked curiously. Corinne quickly nodded and Charles sighed before looking back at Sage, "Are you going to tell us why?" he asked sternly. Corinne couldn't help but roll her eyes, Charles could read minds for God's sake why wasn't he? Is it because Sage was also a telepath- kinda? Sage scoffed and looked at Corinne angrily, "It's all her fault," she muttered before staring at Corinne with disgust, "She doesn't belong here, just look at her!" Sage mocked.

Charles looked at Sage and quickly stared at the blonde angrily, "Get out," he said angrily, Sage stared at Charles confused, "I'm afraid I misheard you did you say get out?" Sage asked in disbelief, "Why are you taking her side? Didn't you see what she did? If you hadn't heard, she killed people," Sage said quickly. Corinne watched as Charles sighed and gave Sage a certain look, "She's my little sister so if you could please be a little more nicer," he started, Sage stood up abruptly and rolled her eyes before flicking Corinne's ear hard. "Alright, I'll try," Sage muttered before walking away, Corinne looked at Charles who sighed, "I'm sorry Cor, you can go try and talk to her but there's no use. She's part of the government," he said.

"It doesn't matter, I guess I'm used to it," she muttered annoyed, Corinne stormed out of the office and walked after Sage. "Hey! Hey!" Corinne shouted as Sage was walking through the hallway, Sage stared at Corinne and raised her eyebrows curiously. "What do you want? You took everything away from me, Alex, my job and now Charles doesn't like me anymore! What more do you want Corinne?" Sage snapped angrily. Corinne's eyes widened confused. What. The. Fuck. Corinne stared at Sage in disbelief, "I didn't take anything away from you, you lost all of it yourself. I did not take Alex away from you, he was mine to start with. I wasn't the one who made you lose your job, or get Charles mad at you. You did that all yourself!" Corinne said quickly.

Sage scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Oh please, stop acting like you're innocent. If you never bothered me and Alex, we would be perfect together. You just had to ruin everything," Sage said angrily. Corinne couldn't even believe what Sage was saying, how could anyone be more stupid? "You and Alex? Not a chance, he doesn't like people like you," Corinne retorted, "In fact, he hates people like you." she whispered before smiling slyly. Sage blinked in disbelief and groaned in annoyance before slapping Corinne's face, Corinne flinched and took a step back. "Are you trying to pick a fight with me or something?" Corinne asked quickly, "Because if you hadn't heard, I killed people," Corinne mocked.

"Rinne, guess wh-" Corinne heard Alex's voice and she immediately turned around and smiled at him. She placed a finger on the side of his cheek and grinned excitedly, "What?" she cooed, Alex held in a laugh and quickly grabbed onto her wrist, he then looked at Sage. "Don't touch her," he said sternly. Sage's eyes widened confused, "I didn't touch her," she lied innocently before staring at Alex with a certain look. Alex held onto Corinne's hand tightly and he scoffed, "I saw you hit her just now, are you gonna deny it?" he asked quickly.

Sage blinked and tried to grab onto Alex's arm but he pulled away from her, "Oh so now all of a sudden you're protecting her? When you were the one who came up to me first! You were the one who said I looked pretty," Sage said quickly, "Why are you acting like this Alex? I thought we were finally getting close," she whispered teasingly. Corinne closed her eyes and phased away from Alex and Sage, she rolled her eyes and walked outside the school. She then noticed Erik walking down the path and Corinne blinked surprised, "Erik!" she called excitedly before skipping towards him.

Erik smiled and looked up, Corinne followed his gaze to see Angel, "What are you doing here?" she asked curiously. Erik sighed and shrugged, "Apparently I need to talk to some Sage person, I actually knew a Sage before?" he said oddly, Corinne's eyes widened and she blinked confused. "Sage? Oh she's so stuck up and annoying! I hope you can knock some sense into her," Corinne said quickly. Erik raised his eyebrows and laughed, "Sounds like trouble, don't worry, I'll handle it for you." he said before patting Corinne's head lightly. Corinne grinned and they walked side by side back into the school, "It's been awhile since you were here," she said quickly.

"Oh wait, there's Sage right now," Corinne said as she noticed Sage walking out of the school angrily, Erik sighed, "She seems angry, why?" he asked curiously. Corinne smiled and laughed softly before they approached Sage together. "E-Erik L-lehnsherr?" Sage stammered nervously, the blonde looked surprised and she stepped back in fear. "Y-you! You brought him here didn't you? Why are you bullying me?" Sage cried quickly. Corinne looked at Erik who quickly gave her a certain look. "She didn't do a thing, I came here on my own, I'd like to talk to you." Erik muttered quickly.

Sage looked scared and she looked around confused, "Wh-what do you want?" she asked quickly. Erik grinned and nodded at Corinne, Corinne rolled her eyes, "You say you're a mutant yet you don't think Corinne belongs here?" Erik asked curiously. Sage blinked and Corinne could tell she was nervous, Sage's face was red. "I-I didn't mean to say that," she said quickly, "Please, uh- I'll apologize!" Sage begged. Erik gave Corinne an odd look and Corinne frowned, Sage then looked at Corinne, "I'm so sorry Mrs. Summers, please forgive me. I didn't know you and Mr. Lehnsherr were this close," Sage muttered before lowering her head.

Erik's eyes then widened with surprise, "Sage Ellis?" he said suddenly, Corinne blinked confused before Erik stared at Sage in disbelief, "Corinne, I know her," he whispered. Corinne sighed and looked away, "That's just great," she muttered before patting Erik's back lightly. "Well, have fun you two," she said before running away. Corinne then bumped into Alex who laughed, "Hi my love," he whispered softly, Corinne blinked and immediately wrapped her arms around him. Everything was great. Everything was fine now.

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