Marshmallows here, Marshmallows There, Marshmallows Everywhere!

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"And then, there were marshmallows," Aru muttered to herself, grinning. The rakshasi was bombarded with dozens of fluffy, white little sponges of gelatin-filled delightfulness.

"LET. MY. SISTER. GO!" Brynne yelled as she turned into an elephant and began ramming into the monster. Mini found the stick that Aru had taken before and started to hit the rakshasi ferociously. Rudy threw a mixture of gemstones and marshmallows at her. The crystals released a horrible screeching sound, which made the monster drop Aru.

"Ahh!" Aru flailed around. "Not again! Brynne, help!" But Brynne was too busy stabbing the rakshasi with her tusks, and Aru knew that she wouldn't be able to save her in time. She squeezed her eyes and panickedly thought to herself, AHH I'M GONNA DIE WITHOUT EVER BEING ABLE TO TP THE ENTIRE SCHOOL BEFORE GRADUATION!!!!!

Shah, look down. Brynne distracted Aru from her very important- maybe- last thoughts and she looked down. Aiden was throwing a handkerchief on the ground.

Seriously, Brynne? You want me to watch a tissue being thrown on the ground for my last momen- Aru paused in the middle of her mind message, as she watched the tiny handkerchief get bigger and bigger until it was twice the size and width of a king-size mattress. Aru crashed into the soft cushion and immediately bounced up again, like it was some sort of trampoline. Except this time, when she landed, she did not land on the fluffy mattress. She landed face-down on the ground, and as she laid there, worn out, she could have sworn a worm was trying to wriggle itself into Aru's nose. She immediately sat up, brushed the worm and other stuff that you find on a forest floor off her face, and groaned.

"Wasn't there a better way?" Aru complained, rubbing her head. No one answered her, as the rest of the Potatoes were too busy trying to run away/fight/eat marshmallows. Aru sighed as she struggled to her feet. What she wouldn't give to have Vajra with her right now? They could have had a better chance to fight the rakshasi with their celestial weapons. Okay, okay, she told herself. Calm down. As Boo, their pigeon-turned fiery baby bird mentor, always told them, they were more than the weapons they fought with. That was going to apply to this situation more than ever.

Aru scanned the area, looking for something that could help them. The problem with the rakshasi right now, was that she was too big. Only Brynne could have any means of fighting her by turning into a flying or big animal, but she couldn't possibly defeat such a big monster by herself. That was out of the question. Wait. Aru looked up and squinted her eyes at a nearby tree. Were those...?

"Aru, watch out!" Mini's cry sounded somewhere near her, and Aru dodged as sharp, red nails descended down to impale her.

Aru tapped into the Pandava mind-link. Mini, Brynne, I have an idea!

What is it? Brynne messaged back.

Look in those trees!

As Mini and Brynne tilted their heads up, Aru filled them in on the plan.

Mini, you tell Rudy about it! Brynne said. Aru, tell Aiden.

Right, Aru responded. She motioned Aiden to come to her, and he came running with sweat gleaming on his face.

"What do we do?" He asked, panting. "We can't keep running from her forever."

"Don't worry, I've got a plan," Aru said, grinning despite the situation. "You see those trees over there? I took a closer look, and they have vines wrapped around at the very top!"

Aiden raised an eyebrow. "So?"

"So," Ary impatiently continued. "We can make it into a rope, trip the rakshasi, and figure out the rest from there! Duh."

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