Rudy and Roses

529 13 37

A/N: Hi everyone! Sorry for the long wait! I've been kinda busy lately, but I'll try to update more often. Enjoy the chapter!


"Wait," Rudy said suddenly. Aru turned as the naga prince rushed back to the waiting goddess and said something to her. Parvati smiled and gave something to him.

He rushed back to them, hiding one of his hands behind his back.

"What's that?" Aiden asked curiously, as they walked along the path.

Rudy grinned and turned to Mini. He held out what Parvati had given him, and Aru gaped at it. It was a...rose? Still, it was the most beautiful flower she had ever seen.

Its soft, crimson petals didn't have a single tear in it, and its vibrant emerald leaves contrasted with the deep red. It was gorgeous.

"Here," he said, handing the flower to Mini, who stared at him with wide, brown eyes. Aru could have sworn that Rudy's ears were bright red. "It's for you."

Mini blushed deeply, and Aru and Brynne smirked at each other.

Accept it, urged Brynne. Then, she paused and said, Or decline. I guess it's up to you.

Dang, Mini, Aru added. Rudy's really trying hard, isn't he?

Be quiet! Mini hissed, as she gave Rudy an awkward smile.

She took the flower and twirled the stem around with her fingers. "Thanks...but why...?" She asked, holding the rose up to her face.

"Um..." For once, Rudy seemed like he was at a loss of words. He gave Aiden a glance, but Aiden, clueless as ever, simply shrugged. Aru shook his head. He could be so dull sometimes.

"It's, um, because- oh, just take it," he ended up saying, and her sister blushed even harder.

Aru couldn't keep the grin off her face.

Rudy noticed and scowled, his cheeks turning pink. "Wipe that smirk off your face, Shah. You too, Brynne."

Neither of the girls complied, and giggled at the blushing pair.

"Aw, you guys are so cute," Brynne crooned.

"It's not like that!" Rudy and Mini said at the same time, but they didn't quite look her in the eye.

Aiden, seeming to finally have caught up, grinned and snapped a picture of the pair. He gave them a wicked grin and said, "Got your first couple picture."

"We're not a couple!" They said simultaneously again, turning very red in the face.

"I thought you didn't take pictures of people?" said Aru, raising her eyebrows as she slid her hand into his.

He clutched her hand tightly and smiled as he answered, "Except for during monumental moments."

Aru laughed, but the moment was short-lived as Brynne said, "Okay, but for real guys, we should get a move on. We need to get to the Pathal-Loka fast."

Aru nodded and they hurried down the golden path together. The trail led them through the trees of the garden, until finally, a swirling void of darkness lay head. A portal.

The Potatoes glanced at each other. Mini took a deep breath, and after carefully placing the rose in her backpack, she said, "Okay guys. This is it."

Aru nodded. "Time to kick some demon butt."

Brynne flexed her arms. "Alright, happy thoughts people!"

"How?" muttered Rudy. "We're literally going to the Underworld."

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