Drowning is in my List of Top Ten Ways I Don't Want To Die

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait, guys! School started so I've been kinda busy, and because of that, updates may take a little longer (sorry about that!). Enjoy the chapter!

After what seemed like an eternity, Mini's mind message that the key was finished came through, and Aru carefully waded back to the stage, occasionally slicing a zombie here and there.

"HURRY UP AND USE THE DARN KEY!" Brynne yelled, hitting an undead upside its head as she followed Aru.

"Alright, alright. Chill out, Brynne," called Rudy. For some reason, he was in his full naga form, and he dangled a shiny, silver key in his fingers. He grinned widely and added, "After all, we got the key thanks to me! I think I deserve to take my own time!" He slithered off the stage and headed towards the barrier, with Aiden and Mini trailing behind him.

Brynne growled and was about to retort, when a zombie came slamming into her, making her fall. Aru quickly ran over to her sister's side and transformed Gandalf into a huge sword, stabbing the zombie from behind.

"Thanks, Shah," Brynne grumbled as she dusted herself off.

"Anytime," Aru grinned.

"Guys! Hurry up!" They saw Mini rushing over to them, clutching Medy right out in front of her. "Get out of the way!"

Aru and Brynne dodged as a purple, foamy layer spurt out from the spear. Aru watched as the foam covered many of the zombies, slowing them down. This time, it did more than just slow them down. As soon as the foam made contact with the zombies, it hissed and started to eat through its skin, effectively slowing them down even more.

"Woah...poison," Mini murmured, looking at Medy fondly.

Aru inched back as a piece of foam fell at her feet. "I don't like poison," she decided. Then, along with Brynne, she sprinted towards the rest of the group, who were huddled near the barrier.

"Hurry up and unlock it. The foam's not gonna stall the zombies for long," warned Brynne.

Rudy nodded. He took a deep breath and held the key to the barrier. As soon as he did, a keyhole opened up in the transparent wall and Rudy quickly shoved the key inside and unlocked it. Almost immediately, the barrier flickered and disappeared.

"Quickly!" urged Aiden. Mini and Rudy hopped through first, with Brynne following close behind.

"Aru?" Aiden prompted. Aru glanced at him and pointed towards the zombies. "Do you think the zombies will be able to enter too?"

He shrugged. "I dunno, but I'm not staying to find out."

Aru threw one last wary glance at the undead horde and stepped through the barrier, with Aiden coming in behind her. Suddenly remembering the firefly, she looked around for it, but couldn't spot it anyways. She shrugged to herself. Oh well. Maybe it would show up again later.

She caught up to the rest of her friends, who were already by the portal.

"Do you think we finished the trial?" asked Brynne.

Aru took a deep breath. "Only one way to find out." She hesitantly put a foot inside the greenish-black swirling portal, only to have it chuck her right out.

Aiden tried as well, but it threw him out all the same. "It worked for me last time..."

"Um, guys," Brynne said, nodding towards something behind them. "I don't think the barrier is stopping the zombies."

Aru whirled her head around and saw dozens of the undead staggering towards them at an alarming rate. The barrier had totally disappeared and did not take back its place, letting the zombies through freely.

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