Chapter 3

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4 years ago:

"It's painful, isn't' it? Are you scared." A mysterious bare footed woman questions a young Zero as he lies on the bloody ground. He glares up at the woman very angrily. He breathes heavily in pain.

"Your parents hunted down every one of my beloved brethren. This is my revenge." The woman says stepping closer to Zero. He sees her bloodied up white kimono. She reaches into her kimono and pulls out a handkerchief.

"Since members of the Kiryu family are infamous vampire hunters. . ." The woman slightly pauses as she wipes away blood from her face, but especially from around her mouth. "This is my privilege as a pureblood. . ." The woman adds on as she shows her fangs, but the blood is still freshly there on her lips.

It was only four years ago when the Headmaster took in Zero raising him along with Yuki and I.

I didn't take my eyes off of him. I hardly heard anything the Headmaster was saying. I came back to my senses once he told us that his family was killed by a bad vampire. I saw his eyes full of hate and sadness. I usually would have walked away. I would have hidden until Yuki investigated him further, but I trusted him the moment he walked through that door. I fell for him when I saw those eyes, but that is a secret only Yuki and I share.

"Okay." Both Yuki and I respond simultaneously.

"He's covered in blood so would both of you do me the favor of showing him to the bathroom? I have to go to the police and other places. Alondra? Can you help as well?" He says wondering if I was going to leave any moment now.

"I'll help." I say without any doubt. He pats my head.

"Take care." Headmaster says to us.

"Okay!" I say a little irritated. "Don't treat me like I'm a baby." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Alondra you're ten. You're still a baby silly!" Yuki says sticking her tongue out at me. I puff my cheeks at her, but don't say a word.

"I'm off then." Headmaster says and then leaves, closing the door behind him.

My attention goes back to Zero who is silently watching the ground. Yuki jabs me lightly with her elbow. She wanted me to say something. I frown at her.

"Okay. I'll show you to the bathroom then." I say a little nervous, but he stays silent. I go up to him again and look at his hands still holding on to the large, brown coat. I put my hand on top of them. They're so cold.

"You don't mind if I take your hand, right?" I say watching him for any kind of reaction. Every now and again his eyes meet mine, but he quickly looks away.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have touched you. Follow us the bathroom is this way." I say putting my hand down hesitantly.

Yuki and I start walking. I look back, but he wasn't following us. I bite my lip. "It's okay. We won't hurt you. You're taller than us so I doubt we can do much. Come on you can trust me." I say pulling one of his hands down.

"It's true! Alondra is the one person you can trust the most. She may be an idiot sometimes, but she's really sweet when she wants to be." Yuki says with what she thinks is a compliment.

"Yuki, I'm going to get you for this later." I say to her with a glare. She gives a nervous giggle.

I turn back to Zero and give him a smile. He must have been watching me if he quickly looked away. I take his hand in mine and lead him to the bathroom. Yuki opens the door for us and lets us through first.

"Here it is. It's already filled and it's nice and warm. Go on. Yuki and I will leave you to it." I say letting his hand go.

"C'mon Yuki." I say moving over to her. His hand grabs mine. I look back at Zero. He has a pleading gaze on me. I smile sadly at him. "It's okay. I'll be right out here if you need me." I say pointing at the door.

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