Chapter 44

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"Okay! The auction is starting!" One vampire anounces as he displays a woman in a white dress laying on a table before him.

"Today our selling point is flowing within this young lady's body- 'The water of life'. Without contamination, a physically and mentally healthy twenty year old." The man says persuading the other vampires.

"This is not good! The hunters are coming!" A vampire says entering and warning the auctioneers. They all start to panic and go into a freenzy.


"Coming." I state jumping off the roof of a building. I land safely on the ground. I spot an enemy, and summon my Rose scythe.

"Where do you think you're going?" I state standing up, and looking at the man.

"Well, who are you?!" He questions me. He raises a jar about to throw it at me. I wait no more and run at him. The man flings the jar at me and I destory it with Blue Rose and then quickly move Black Rose to the vampires neck.

"I don't think so, buddy." I threaten them omniously. Another person appears behind me, and puts a small knife to my throat.

"Release my boyfriend." The female that put the knife to my throat says threatingly. I look back at the woman.

"You're human. Aren't you one of the victims?" I question her.

"Didn't I tell you to escape first?! You will get caught saying these words!" The vampire I have my scythe to yells at the woman.

"If you get caught, wouldn't that be worse?!" She counter argues. "Also, didn't you say that you need me?!" The woman goes on.

"Damn it all." I curse once I sense a very unhappy Zero. He shoots Bloody Rose as I quickly avoid him shooting me as well. The vampire's dust scatters as the woman screams in horror. The woman faints from the shock of it.

"Missed me. Anyway you should have let me restrain the guy, or else he wouldn't have had to die." I state but the woman is unconscious now.

"It's surprising how your view on vampires has changed. It seems your thoughts have become very naive." Zero states.

"Naive? Look who's talking. Please I'm a true vampire so I know what it's all about." I state angrily to him. He was about to counter me, but Kurenai's presence makes us stop.

"Sorry, because no one's escaping towards my direction. . . Both of you must be talking about something important." Kurenai says.

"It's nothing." Zero says to her.

"Yeah arguing isn't important anyway." I state with a shrug.

Zero walks over to me so he can say something only for my ears. He leans close to my ear, and I fight off the blush and shudder.

"If you're unhappy about the way I treat vampires-" Zero says, but suddenly grabs my right wrist. I look up at him shocked.

"Are you still wearing that on your wrist?" He says noticing the bracelet I never removed. He pulls my arm forward causing us to get closer. I couldn't stop the blush, it came and probably was noticeable even to him.

"Then use it to force me to submit to you." He says nearing my wrist to his neck. He suddenly smiles and that causes my face to blush even more and my heart to speed up. "The magic to subdue should still be there now." He points to his tattoo. I frown and pull my hand away.

"That's only for a level e! You're not a level e no matter how much you tell me you will become one!" I tell him angry again. He only looks at me and turns away from me. I turn away from him as well. I don't plan on seeing him leave. I take deep breaths and look over at Kurenai. She is looking at the direction Zero had gone. I turn to see, and I find Kaito there as well.

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