Chapter 15

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"Why did she run away? Did you say something to her?" Yuki says grabbing Zero's arm. He pulls away from her.

"I don't know. All she said was 'thank you' and ran off." Zero explains running with Yuki following behind him. He doesn't mention how he kissed her before receiving her gratitude for who knows what.

"She said strange things to you too? I'm an idiot! I should have seen that something was wrong. It almost sounded like she was saying goodbye to Yori and me." Yuki confesses to Zero as they run not knowing where the young girl had gone.

That builds up on the dread he felt after they parted so suddenly. It brings up those feelings that came up when he first laid eyes on Shizuka Hio. As he thinks of the pureblood, realization dawns on him.

"Damn! I know where she is!" Zero begins running towards the old Moon Dorm living quarters.

"Wait Zero!" Yuki calls after him, she holds her dress and kicks off her shoes. This costs her some time and she ends up losing Zero.


"It's chilly. It must be here." Aido says to Akatsuki as they open an old door, and walk down some steps.

"Huh, there's really-"

"You've finally decided to believe me, Akatsuki?" Aido questions taking the lead as they take the spiral steps down.

They reach the bottom, and find a woman encased in an ice crystal of some sort. She has long white hair, snow white skin, she wears a long white kimono as well, and she is completely unconscious.

"The mad princess, Shizuka Hio."

"As you said, it seems like she has thrown off her body." Akatsuki says as they observe her body.

"I don't understand why she'd do such a thing." Aido questions.

"It has nothing to do with you." They look over to find someone else there. A man with silver hair, wearing a mask that covers his eyes, a long trench coat to keep him warm.


I enter the old building and make my way towards Shizuka. She is sitting on a couch. She is wearing a black dress. I snort a little.

"A black dress. Almost like she's in mourning or going to a funeral. " I say to myself and stand before her, but not too close. I'm still trying to catch my breath.

"So you've decided, huh?" She asks me.

"If you're the only one who can save Zero then please help him! I'm offering myself to you so please save him!" I say loud and clear, while clenching my hands.

"I knew the answer from the beginning. I want to save the man I love."

Shizuka reaches a pale hand towards me. "Come, Alondra." She smirks. I look at her hand for only a moment, but reach my hand out with no hesitation. She grips my hand tightly, but my face remains expressionless.

"You're a good girl. I knew you'd sacrifice yourself for him." She says laughing.

She takes my index finger and nears it to her mouth. She kisses my finger and licks it slowly. I clench my jaw. The look of lust in her eyes is far too much like the eyes of the shadow man.

"What is it?" Shizuka asks me as she keeps my finger near her lips.

"It's funny really. I hate the taste of my blood, but apparently vampires find my blood delicious. Lucky me. Because of my blood I will be able to save Zero." I say with a tiny smile.

She gives me a hard look and suddenly has a vice grip on my hand. I wince in pain. I feel the bones in my hand rubbing against each other.

"I'm the one who gave Zero despair. But you grew up happily didn't you. You shared that happiness with him. You almost made him forget that despair." She says coldly to me, then out of nowhere she slaps me hard on to the couch she is sitting on. I glare up at her from the couch that is taken over by my upper body while my legs remain to the ground.

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