Chapter 61

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"I think that because you were here I was able to live on."

I watch Zero's precious memories of me as I erase them from his mind. I share those same precious memories, but these are from his point of view. How he felt about me. I savor the taste of his blood and our memories that will only be mine.

"STOP IT!" Zero yells out as more of a plea now than angrily.

"Your blood was all I wanted."

I see my face disappearing in his mind. "The face of that person in your memories, the smell of her, are disappearing." I suggest into his mind. "Disappear." I command his memories of me, and anything that had to do with me.

"DON'T STEAL HER FROM ME!!!" Zero continues to plead, but it's better this way. He won't have to suffer because of me. Or maybe I'm being selfish, and I'm going to cause him more pain.

Zero forces enough power that the window above us breaks. I get off of him as a shard scratches my cheek. I wipe my mouth. He has a dazed look on him as I look at him through my tear stained eyes. He falls unconscious.

"Your thirst will be reduced from now on, because the girl that was causing your starvation has disappeared from your heart." I cry on him. I look at him for the last time before I walk away from him. 

"Why did you do that?" Yuki says as I exit the room.

"It's for the best." I say to her, and avoid eye contact. Yuki slaps me hard across the face.

"The best?! You've taken his memories, and cursed yourself into holding on to those memories that are going to hurt you! You're so selfish!" Yuki yells at me. I smile at her.

"I am. I'm worse than Kaname." I state with a broken smile. "But now he won't starve because of me." I whisper and walk away from Yuki as well. I have one goal in mind now that I have lost everything. I must stop Kaname Kuran, and that is my only goal. After that, I die.


Yagari opens the gates as students leave the school. They watch, but Yagari says nothing and goes back inside.

"I didn't think you'd close campus, and use the school as the Association Headquarters again." Kaito says as he walks into Kaien Cross's office. "Is it really okay? It's the school you ran while honestly pursuing your ideals." Kaito adds on. Kaien looks back at him.

"I don't have a choice." A sigh escapes him. "Just because we've lost the parent, and more than half of our weapons, and our home base has collapsed doesn't mean we should stop the functions of the Association. It isn't as if there are no more incidents caused by vampires. Also, a comforting supporter has joined our ranks." Kaien goes back to looking out of the window.


A vampire is being chased by two cloaked people. He stops at a tree and turns to them.

"Eh? You're acting weird ever since you've run out of the blood tablets! That's right! It's the tablets' fault that I attacked the outskirts of town! So please help m- No. Wait. WHY ARE YOU GUYS WORKING WITH A HUNTER?!" The vampire yells out as he points at the cloaked people.

"As the children of nobility we cannot turn a blind eye to the follies of our family." A female vampire from the Night Class says as she removes her cloak. Another male Night Class member removes his cloak as a hunter approaches as well.

"Crap!" He yells out and runs.

"Follow him!" The female vampire orders.

"Okay." The hunter says as he follows behind the vampires. The female vampire looks shocked ahead of her.

Vampire Knight: If Yuki Had A Sister (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now