Home Again

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We went into the guild and I ordered a milkshake from Mira and thought about the events from last night.

Izuku POV

I decided to go on a walk after I finished my milkshake to try and sort out my head.


"I'M YOUR WHAT!?" I shouted. "I know it's hard to believe me right now but I swear that I only speak the truth" Zeref said. "Wait shouldn't your curse be killing me right now?" I asked. "Honestly, it should be killing you but that's how I knew that you were my cousin. Out of every person I have ever known, you are the only one I can come near without killing" He said. "Ok but why?"  I asked."I have no clue honestly" He said. "But how am I your cousin? It just doesn't make sense!" I said frustrated. "Really. How do explain the fact that you were able to learn magic really fast or the fact that you were quirkless?" Zeref asked. "You know about quirks!?" I asked shocked. "Yes because I was the one who sent you to that dimension"  He said. "Why? How? When!?" I was so confused. "Well I was trying to find a way to time travel and you were helping me. One day a bunch of dragons showed up and because I didn't want you to die, I sent you to that dimension. I sent you something called an eclipse gate but that same day the Dragon Slayers were supposed to go threw the gate too. When you went threw the gate malfunctioned and I had to shut it down. I had no idea where you landed. All I know was that there was a woman that looked exactly like you and she saw you and started raising you. I wiped your memories so that's why you don't remember" He finished saying and I felt sad but happy. 

"So now that you know that I also should tell you Natsu is your cousin as well. He's my brother" Zeref said. "Wow this-this is a lot to process" I said. "I know. Now I want to train with you 3 times a week. Meet me near Hargeon Port and I will take you somewhere where we can train you. You only have 3 months left before you return correct?" He asked. I nodded. "Wait I totally forgot the side effect of the quirk! You probably will end up coming back with me and the rest of Fairy Tail for that matter" I said. "I figured" He chuckled. "Well thanks Zeref and see you soon I guess" I said and walked away. 

Flashback End

I have some more training with Zeref to do today so I might as well get ready.

Time skip 3 Months (last one) 

Lucy POV

Well it has been a year which means Izuku has to go back to wherever he came from. "LUCY STOP DAYDREAMING AND FOCUS ON THE FIGHT RIGHT NOW!" Natsu screamed at me. I forgot we were in the middle of a fight! I suddenly see Acnologia coming to attack. "Hello Fairy Tail. I have not found a way to kill that Green Haired boy, but I will kill you all the same" He said. "Acnologia! Can you stop monologuing so we can end this fight and move on" Izuku said. "I have no problem ending you and your friends" Acnologia said. Soon the fight was on! The Slayers were attacking Acnologia right and left and the rest of us were taking out the rest of his army. Suddenly I see all the Slayers on the ground except for Izuku. 

Izuku POV

Damn! Acnologia is really tough! I see that Natsu and the rest of the Slayers are on the floor. "Izuku take the rest of our magic and end this" Natsu said. I nodded. Suddenly I felt a surge of magic power flow threw me. "Your time is up Acnologia! SEVEN FLAME DRAGON MODE: SEVEN FLAME DRAGON'S IRON FIST!" I shouted and hit Acnologia head on with the magic and sent him flying. He tried to get up but he was fading away. Soon it was over and I collapsed but not before I saw the bright white light that was engulfing me and the rest of Fairy Tail.

Back at UA

Katsuki POV (short)

Me and the extras are going to Ground Beta to do some more training. "Hey Kat! Are you excited for today? Midoriya is coming back!" My boyfriend said. "Hey Ei,Yes I really am excited to see the nerd" I said. I really did miss him. I walked over to where Mr. Aizawa was standing. "Today you will be sparing against each other. Team up in groups of 2 and fight each other. I don't care who you fight or team up with just get it done" Said our tired teacher. I obviously went and paired up with Kirishima. "Want to fight against Icy-Hot and Ponytail?" I asked him. He nodded. "I want to try my Unbreakable form on them!" He said. I laughed. Suddenly I see a bright light near the school. "Hey did anyone see that bright light or was it just me?" Dunce Face asked. "No I saw it too Pikachu but it's probably someone practising their quirk" I said. I went over to Icy-Hot next. "Hey Icy-Hot! Me and Ei are fighting you and your girlfriend!" I said. "Momo, do you want to spar with them?" He asked. "Sure thing Sho!" She said. "Alright Icy-Hot! Prepare to get beaten!" I said.

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