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I look around. Okay I need to get up and look for him! I go looking for him. Oh thank god I've finally found him! I sigh. Thanatos puts him in a chair. I smile. But why did he go crazy? Should I ask? Most likely.
"Why did you go crazy?"
He looks down.
"The work of several older gods."
"I remember Momus specifically."
I nod.
"And there was Deimos."
I nod.
"They gave me this scythe. They told me Hephaestus had made it... I knew I shouldn't have believed them but they convinced me."
I nod.
"It drove me mad."
I look down. He sighs softly. I sigh. He lays his head down. I look over.
"I'm still trying to remember everything."
I nod.
"Oizys, she was there... Momus was laughing... at me... I think."
I nod.
"Everything is still fuzzy."
I nod. He looks down. I sigh. He looks away. I look over.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"Never mind."
I nod. He takes my hand gently. I look at him. He pulls me into a hug. I hug him back.
"You've always treated me well."
I nod. He's always treated me like a son. I smile. He lets go and sits down obviously trying to remember what happened.
"At?... she was there."
I nod. Suddenly he goes pale and just collapses unconscious. What happened? He starts shaking and twitching in his sleep. Oh my god! He slowly wakes up shaking and gasping.
"Are you ok?"
"I—I remember..."
I nod.
"They're going to come after Hephaestus... I saw it."
He runs to check on Hephaestus. I follow. Hephaestus and Morpheus are asleep cutely on each other. I sigh. He sighs with relief. I smile. He smiles back then drapes a blanket over them. I sigh. He turns then says, "s—sorry."
"For what?"
"Don't be... you've been like a father to both of us... it's okay," Hephaestus says cutely before going back to sleep.
I nod.
I nod.
"If you want... you may call me father."
I nod. He's finally opening up. I smile.
"So what are you going to call me?"
"I'll call you father."
His eyes turn adorable. I smile.
I nod. He hugs me. I hug him back.
"You don't understand how happy this makes me feel.. you calling me father."
I nod. He coughs for a minute. I look at him. He notices my concerns and gives a weak smile. I smile back. He sits up. I sigh. He hugs me. I hug him back. He smiles. I smile back.
"I'm okay."
I nod. He hugs me. I hug him back.
"It's late."
I nod. He picks them up and carries them each to bed. I go to bed. He appears at the foot of my bed and tucks me in with a small smile. I smile back. He fluffs my pillow before I drift off to sleep. I sigh. He's so nice.


Thanatos is fighting the Loko things Mania creates. I hope he's ok! His scythe breaks.
He just thought that! Oh no! He starts using kung-fu against them. Wow he's good! He groans softly. Oh no!
"Nngh! Why were you sent after Morpheus?"
"Phobos wants to infect the world's dreams."
That doesn't sound good!
"I won't let every dream become a nightmare," Thanatos says.
Oh my god!
"He can do it on his own."
"Only to those he feels needs one."
What does that mean? 
"Ugh you're too protective of that brat, what was his name... Morpheus?"
I sigh.
"I won't let you harm him!"
Was he going to harm him?
"Mmmgh! Hahaha that's laughable," a voice says.
Oh no!
"Yes Thanatos... just give up the dumb boy."
I look down.
I smile. He laughs then does a spell on him.
It's later much later.
„it's probably a spell just to make me paranoid... Phobos loves to do that.
I look down.
„fuck me."
Oh no! Momus, Deimos, Oizys, and At? appear. Oh god.
"What do you want?"
Yeah what do they want?
"We're sorry for what happened to your scythe and we told Hephaestus... he made you a new scythe."
I smile. Wait but Hephaestus never made Thanatos a scythe. They must be lying! He turns it over for Thanatos and we see Hephaestus's mark. That doesn't make sense.
I sigh. He takes it. He goes insane.

It's obviously later.

He is still half scythe... but half human?
„I need... I need to scream! But I have no mouth!„
Oh my god!
„what's my—no! My name is Thanatos I was the god of death... now I'm just a weapon for... my son? Yeah my son who cursed me into this state... everything hurts and feels so foggy... I have two sons...Morpheus? Yeah Morpheus and Hades... so hard it's so hard.„
I feel so bad! Suddenly a blue shower enters.
„no! Not again!„
Hades puts a spell on Thanatos.
"Ahhhhh!" Thanatos groans.
I look down. He looks at himself.
"I'm in my true form again?"
He turned him back? "Your blade form was getting dull."
Thanatos is moved into a jar which he's trapped only his head being out of. I sigh. Thanatos looks dazed.
„so hungry.„
I look down. Hades sticks a spoonful of something in Thanatos's mouth. Ewwww that makes me wanna puke! Thanatos is trying his hardest to swallow it. He manages to.
"What was that?" He asks trying to keep it down.
"Only what's essential to keep you alive."
Oh my god.
"Can I have some water?"
"It's already in it?"
"No to help keep that down?"
"Sure if you can find a way to drink it without your hands. And you'll have to do it for the rest of your meal."
That's terrible. Why would Hades do that?There has to be a reason. He manages to eat it.
„am I going crazy from starvation or was that actually good?„
It was good? No it wasn't. I sigh.
Hades smiles then says, "you stink."
I look down.
Freezing cold water is tossed onto him. Why would he do this? He does it a couple more times then stuffs Thanatos back into the jar thoroughly soaked and cold. That's so horrible!
„torture cold torture.„
Poor thing! It's obviously been another hundred years at least. Wait no it seems like that was yesterday! Was it yesterday? It must've been. He changes back to being human. He shakes for a minute then destroys the scythe.
„I will NEVER use a scythe again.„
I sigh. He hears something then jumps into the jar.
„master isn't coming?„
Master? He crawls out then begins to puke up that weird slop stuff. Ew! He looks at it then shudders as we watch a worm crawl through it. That's gross!
„I ate a worm."
That's disgusting! He shudders. I look down.
He jumps up. I sigh.
„I need to get out of here.„

It's once again later. He is out of the underworld though. Where is he going? He stumbles around. Is he ok? He sits down for a minute. Poor thing. He weakly breathes. I look down. He gets up.
"I've gotta find Morpheus."
That's where he went?
"Damn it my legs are still jelly."
He probably hasn't been walking in awhile.
"Damn it... I've gotta find him."
I sigh. He starts flying but it's weak. He might fall! He manages to fly up to my palace.

Dream ends.

I wake up. I look around. Father aka Thanatos isn't in here. I look around. I should go look for him. I look for him. He's in the kitchen cooking. I sigh. He turns.
"Oh good morning, Apollo."
"Good morning."
He walks over to me. I smile. He pats my head then goes back to cooking. I sigh. I think I should ask.
"did you really get tortured?"
He looks taken aback. He doesn't answer. I sigh. He looks down. I look over.
I look down.
"Please don't tell either of them."
I nod. He sighs softly. I sigh. He goes back to cooking. I walk over. He turns. I smile.
He smiles back then says, "I'm okay."
I nod.
He turns and asks, "promise not to worry?"
I nod. He smiles then goes back to cooking. I sit down. He finishes. I smile. He smiles back. He fixes us each a plate. We eat.  He then goes to wake up Hephaestus and Morpheus. I sigh. 
They both say, "hi daddy."
He smiles cutely. I smile. 
He hands them their breakfast. We continue eating. He finishes first then puts his plate away. I put my plate away too. 
"I hope that was okay."
"It was."
"Okay good."
I smile. He smiles back then looks conflicted. He pats my head then walks into the living room. I follow him.

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