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Hades does a spell turning him into his scythe. I smile. Ares walks in confused. I sigh. He sighs as well.

Flashback ends.

"Big brother."
I get him something to eat.
"Thank you."
I smile. Morpheus walks in still in the blanket. I chuckle.
"Can I stay?"
I nod. 
"Good, I've been scared."
I nod.
"I'm scared still."
I nod. He nuzzles into the fluffy blanket. Hephaestus smiles.
"Do you wanna watch me work in the forge?"
"What's a forge?"
"Damn... he's kept you in the dark hasn't he?"
I sigh. "Come on."
I'll come too. Actually no I'll carry him to keep him off his leg where Thanatos accidentally chucked him off Olympus when he was born and his leg grew weirdly.  I carry him.
"Thanks big brother."
Morpheus follows but obviously is sad.
"What's wrong?"
"Big brother would never do that for me."
I nod. He sighs and follows cutely. I smile. He smiles back. We walk into Hephaestus' forge. He smiles and gets off. I chuckle.
"Thanks big brother," he says before getting some metal out.
"No problem."
Morpheus watches for a bit then falls asleep. I chuckle. Hephaestus turns and smiles.
"Well he is a god of sleep."
I nod. He smiles and finishes the sword he was making out of boredom. I look around. 
He looks over too. I sigh.
"Let's get him to bed."

Suga's POV

I'm starting to worry about him... I look down. Haven't heard anything from him in a while. I hope he's ok. Where would he run off to? I look down. ...I've been a total ass hole to him. Like he would forgive me though...I need to make sure he's okay... But how? Where would he be? Should I go looking for him? I don't know. I sigh. Lilly walks into the room tiredly. I look away.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
She sighs softly. I look down.
"Okay," she says softly.
I sigh. She sighs as well then gets up.
"if you don't mind I wanna be alone."
"Okay then," she says leaving. Cerberus walks in barking.
"get out! I wanna be alone!"
He whimpers then runs out. I sigh.
"Hmph," I hear a familiar voice say.
"damn people don't know what I wanna be alone means." I say to myself.
"You really have become a bastard, haven't you?" The voice says.
"Who are you?"
"You don't remember me?"
I turn. Dad...
"Go away!"
Wait a second, I sealed him away!
"Wait how are you here?"
"Your behavior broke the seal."
"whatever what do you want?"
He chuckles then asks, "where's your brother?"
"You don't know? Aren't you supposed to protect him?"
"I don't wanna talk about him! Now please leave!"
He leaves

Rm's POV

I hear something. I look around.  Is that... Thanatos? How is he here? He doesn't notice me. He walks on in. I follow him. He finds Morpheus. He sighs. I look down.
"Poor thing."
I sigh. He kisses Morpheus' forehead. I smile.
"I'm not here to harm you."
"Why are you here?"
"Seeing my son."
I nod. He adds a second blanket. I sigh. He looks over. I look back.
"What's wrong?"
He nods. I smile. He sighs softly. I sigh. He sighs softly then rubs Morpheus' cheek. I look around.
"Are you okay?"
I nod. He nods as well then sits down. I sigh.
He looks down. I look over.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
"It's nice to not have people scared."
I nod.
"I escaped my scythe prison long before now but I changed my appearance."
I nod. He transforms into that one nice guy who wrapped my leg, Terry. That was him?
"Yes that was me... I couldn't let Hades... Suga... know."
I nod.
"He would've changed me back regardless of my purpose."
I nod. He changes back to his original self. Morpheus wakes up.
"D—daddy?" He asks Thanatos. Thanatos nods.
I sigh. Morpheus smiles cutely. I smile back. Thanatos kisses his forehead.
"Thanks, daddy."
I look around.
"Daddy, where were you?"
I sigh. Thanatos doesn't answer just hugs him. I smile. Morpheus falls asleep. I chuckle.
"God of sleep," Thanatos says smiling.
I nod. He lays Morpheus down then leaves the room. Our parents were mortal... I never had the chance to tell him... just attendants killed by an enraged Hades... Zeus wanted a way to make me feel better because my young brother was sleeping. He was only 4... I was 6... Hades was 8... I sigh. Hephaestus walks in cutely. I smile.  He sits down beside me. I sigh. He hugs me. I hug him back. He nuzzles me. Thanatos come back with soup for us. We eat. Morpheus finishes first then crawls into Thanatos's lap and falls asleep. I smile.
"Big brother?" Hephaestus asks.
"C-c-can I sleep with you?"
He goes to stand only for his bad leg to go out. I sigh.  Okay I'll carry you to bed. I carry him to bed. He nuzzles me.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
He falls asleep. I sigh. I can't get up... I guess I'm stuck here... Okay fine I'll stay with you little bro. I sigh. I feel myself falling asleep.


Daddy and mommy hand out the cups of ambrosia to the gods. I look around. I notice Hephaestus is sleeping on my leg. I chuckle.
I'm six again... I sit there. Daddy and momma finally get to hades. I look at them. They hand him his cup. He takes a sip.
"It doesn't have enough honey again!"
"Huh?" Daddy asks.
I look around. Hades growls and grabs his knife Hephaestus made. I look around. He stabs them both. Thanatos jumps up and grabs Hades. I back up scared. Thanatos takes Hades and we hear him spanking Hades. I start crying. They both fade into dust. They... they're dead! I look down.Zeus turns to me.
"Look here... we'll give you some ambrosia... what god do you want to be? I'll add extras but I need to know your main power."
He gets a cup of ambrosia then enchants it. He hands it to me. I drink it. Mmmm it tastes so good. I drink more.
I finish the glass then he asks, "and your brother?"
"Forging," I say automatically. He nods. I sigh. He enchants another glass of ambrosia. I look over. I'll need to get his special cup for him to drink. I get his cup. He pours it in the cup. I pull him into my lap and stick the pop in his mouth. He sips it down cutely. I smile. He wakes up. I look at him. His hair is turning black. Why is it turning black? He rubs his eyes. Wait they're blue! How?
"Big brother did you use that 'hair dye' stuff?"
"Why is your hair black then?"
I shrug. He looks cutely. I smile. He smiles back cutely. I sigh. He looks down.
I nod. She sighs softly. I sigh. A girl walks over. W-Who is she? She seems to be the same age as me.
"W-Who are you?"
"My name is Hecate."
"Nice to meet you."
"I'm Hephaestus."
"You too."
She nods sweetly. She picks up Hephaestus and hugs him. I look around. He cutely smiles. I smile back. He nuzzles me.

Dream ends.

I wake up. I sigh. Wait Hephaestus?! I look around. He's not in here!

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