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"Thank you."
"No problem."
"Well still."
"Thank you."
"No problem."
I look down.
"I'm not upset. I'm just worried. I'm worried about Jungkook and Phobos possibly could take me."
"I won't let him."
"I'll die first."
"But you can't die!"
"No I don't care."
"But I do!"
"You have to be kept safe."
"But but why?"
"You're a god I'm a mortal."
"But I don't want you to die."
"I know."
I look down.
"Just let me protect you."
"If it makes you feel better, I do feel protected."
"I know but still."

Jin's POV.

Now that I'm thinking why would I go to Thanatos? Why would he care and how? He's sealed away according to Suga. He probably won't care. But who am I thinking of to care? I still can't find Jungkook... I've looked everywhere!  Huh? That's the guy who wrapped rm's leg? How'd he get there? What is he doing there?
"What did he do? Urgh... huff I can't keep looking but I've gotta try."
He looks at his phone.
"I'm outta time."
He runs off. Out of time for what? He's gone.

Chrystal's POV

Is that a snow covered bunny? I walk over to it.
"H—h—help!" It's a snow covered bunny man! He's shivering!
"Are you okay? What happened?"
"M—m—my name is A—a—a—Ares! P—pl—please I'm s—s—s—so cold!"
"Let's go to my house. It's warm!"
"Th—th—thank you!"
Lady Demeter's winter is really harsh. I take him to my house. He shivers but soon warms up from the fire. I take off my jacket.
"Thank you."
"Oh you're welcome."
He looks at himself. He's really small and cute!!! I sit next to him.
"I'm a bunny... why?!"
"Oh um I'm not sure."
"Nnnngh! I'm hungry... do you have any lettuce?"
I go look. I find carrots, "I have carrots. I don't really like lettuce."
"Carrots aren't good for bunnies."
"Oh I'm sorry. I can go get some lettuce."
I grab my jacket. He climbs into my jacket.
"Are you wanting to come with?"
I giggle. I grab my car keys. He shivers in my jacket. I lock my door. I could try doll clothes on him.
"Maybe I could try finding you some doll clothes at the store to wear?"
"Oh! Okay!"
I get into my pink convertible. Damn it's cold.
"Brrrrr it's so cold!"
I turn up the heat.
"Thank you."
"Yeah I know!"
"I-I'm sorry." I start driving to the store.
"What are you sorry for? You didn't kidnap demeter's daughter."
How does he know about lady Lilly?
"How do you know about that?"
"Huh? Oh I didn't realize you'd know about it either but I'm that Ares."
The war god? This BUNNY is THAT Ares?
"T-The war god?"
"Yes that Ares."
No way.
"I-I didn't realize."
"You don't believe me."
Kinda hard to when he's a bunny.
"It's okay."
"I mean you're a bunny."
"I get it... are we there yet?"
"Almost I'm pulling into the parking lot now. Also my name is Chrystal."
"Well since you don't believe me you can call me Jungkook."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"It's okay just call me Jungkook."
"Oh okay." I park.
He climbs back into my jacket to come with. I get out. I walk inside after locking my car. We look around as I buy groceries. He watches through my jacket although I have to hide him from kids and employees. I go to the toys.
"Nnngh... I'm hungry."
I can sneak him a piece. I sneak him some lettuce. He happily munches.
I giggle. I look at the doll clothes, "do you like these?" I ask showing him some plushie clothes.
"Ummm okay! Do you think they'll fit?"
"You want to try them on?"
I hand them to him. He tries them on. I can fix it. They're still a Little loose.
"I'll fix them for you!"
"Okay... ooh! That black shirt looks nice!"
I giggle.
"What I like the black one!"
"We can get the black one."
"Thank you."
I should get him this red one. I'll just get him a bunch. I get a bunch. I like this purple one! Oh and there's a doll bed he'd fit in. I get the doll bed.
"Thank you for everything."
Oooh I should have Haley make some more stuff for him I'll buy the material! I get more material. Okay time to go. I go check out. After I'm done I get to the car and put him in one of the outfits. He blushes, "I feel like a dress up doll."
I giggle. He eats more lettuce but looks a bit disappointed in himself.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing... can we get back to your place?"
I nod. I drive back to my house. As we get there he seems to relax more. I stop the car. I grab the groceries. He watches almost pitifully. I put him in my jacket. He lays there. I get inside. I put the groceries down and I take him out. He gasps. He looks a little tired. I take out the bed.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." I give him a blanket.
I smile. I put the groceries away. I take out the lettuce deciding to cut him some off. I grab a knife cutting the lettuce. I put some in a bowl for him. I accidentally cut myself. I scream, "shit!"
I hold my hand dripping blood.

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