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He looks up at it.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!"
"It's fine." I grab a towel to clean up the blood.
He looks over, "get some hydrogen peroxide to hide the blood."
"What do you mean?"
"Hydrogen peroxide removes blood stains."
"Oh how do you know that?"
"I— hufff never mind."
I sigh. I go to the bathroom. I shut the door. I silently cry while cleaning my wound.
"Sorry I can't be more help."
"I-It's fine. It just hurts."
"I found the pain pills."
I open the door. He is holding the bottle tiredly.
"I'm sorry." I take the bottle and shut the door.
"No don't apologize!"
"But I'm keeping you from resting."
"I'm more jsut physically exhausted. Becoming a bunny drained my body."
"Yeah and hopping especially drains me."
"Oh." I open the door, "you can come in if you want."
He hops in. I take a pill.
"There ya go."
"Are you okay?"
I nod, "I'll be okay."
I bandage up my hand. He watches earnestly.
"I think the medicine is working." I wince.
I smile. He smiles back seemingly a bit outta it.
"Are you okay?"
"All the hopping is exhausting."
"You can go rest."
"Right right."
I open the door.
He tries to walk but falls, "forgot again."
I giggle. He hops to the bed. I go to my room.
"Thank you again."
"Oh you're welcome. Thank you."
"No problem."
I shut my door. My turn to get some sleep. I change into my pjs. I get in bed and I fall asleep. Nn

The next morning.

I wake up. I rub my eyes. I walk out of my room.
"Oh hi."
"How are you."
"I'm fine. How are you?"
"Okay for being a bunny man."
I giggle. He looks up. I look at him. He suddenly whips his head around. I turn around, "what is it?"
"Thought I heard something."
"Maybe it's nothing."
"I think so."
I get out some stuff to make breakfast.
"The window is open..."
"Do you want me to shut it?"
"No it's what I heard."
I close the window.
"Oh I was just telling you that's where the noises I heard were coming from."
"I know. It's just a little cold."
"Oh... that's fair."
I start cooking breakfast.
"That looks good."
"It smells good too."
I giggle.
"Yeah... just can't eat it."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."
I continue cooking. He watches me. I smile. He smiles back awkwardly.
I finish cooking.
"Smells really good."
I put him some lettuce in a bowl.
"Thank you."
"Oh you're welcome." I sit down at the table with my food after giving him his lettuce. He eats the lettuce tiredly. I eat my food.
"Thanks again."
"Oh you're welcome."
He gives a tired smile.
"Are you okay?"
"Hello kiddo!" Hodea shouts.
I turn. She breaks the door down with a smile. I back up startled. She fixes it then walks over and kisses my forehead.
"Haley can't come today so I'm dropping by to check on you make sure you fucking eat."
"Don't worry I'm actually eating."
"Good!" She spots Jungkook, "Bunny?!"
"He's a bunny man."
"He's a bunny man?"
I nod.
"I also cut my hand last night."
"Gods damn it Chrystal."
"I'm fine now."
"Let me heal it."
I unwrap my hand. She heals it. I smile. She smiles back tiredly. I finish eating. I put my plate away.
"I'm stealing some."
"I don't mind. I'm finished anyways."
She devours the rest. I giggle. I pet Jungkook.
"What's wrong?"
"Feels nice."
"Oh." I smile.
I continue to pet him. He rubs his nose. I giggle.
"I look ridiculous don't I?"
"No you look cute!"
"Yes I do! I do look ridiculous."
"No you don't!"
He looks away.

Jin's POV

Selene and V are very close. I sigh. It's kinda cute. I smile.
"I'm the big spoon tonight."
He nods. She pulls him into the cuddle. I should call Hecate. I call her.
"What's up?"
"Phobos took Ares."
"I—what?! Oh gods first we can't find Morpheus, now ares?"

Suga's POV

"Gah! How much more?"
She has her phone on speaker. What? He took Jungkook?
"Do we know anything?"
"I don't know where he is. I know he's a bunny now but that's it."
"All right... I'll go look through Phobos's realm maybe Morpheus is there? I'm just hoping to find him too."
"Maybe." He says.

I hope not. I'd feel so bad. Lilly joins us. Maybe he's not. I hope not like I said. Lilly hugs me. I hug her back. She kisses my cheek. I smile.
"I love you."
I look down.
"Why are you looking down."
"Just worried."
Hecate leaves. I sigh. She looks down. I look over.
"Sorry. Haley—er—hecate is one of my friends and I worry about her."
I nod.
"Is she gonna be okay?"
"I'm sure she will be."
"... I don't know. She's not really—well Haley wasn't made for fighting."
I nod. She sighs.

Rm's POV

What was that? I look around. Hephaestus looks out sighs and starts dragging Hecate inside. What is going?
"She's hurt."
"Is she okay?"
"She's HURT."
"I know. I heard you. I'm asking if she's going to be okay."
"I'm not the god of healing that's your job."
I heal her.
"So will she be okay?"
I nod. He looks around. I look over.
"How long until she wakes up?"
"Hecky?" Morpheus asks. Hecate bolts awake. He giggles, "works every time!"
I smile.
"Morpheus? Y—you're— you're okay?"
I sigh.
She just envelops the small thing and holds him to her chest despite her pain. I smile.
"You okay, Hecky?"
"I don't exactly know what happened so yeah."
It's good that she's okay. She sits up. I look over.
"Thank you for caring for Morpheus."
"He's not the only one," dadatos adds. I don't know if I like the pun name...
"Oh hello Thanatos."
I turn.

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