[Marauders Era| Enemies to lovers story| 16+| Slow burn| years 5-7]
Andrea Mikaelson, twin sister of the famous Hybrid Klaus Mikaelson. She is known as the first Trybrid, she has been on the run with her siblings for over a thousands years escaping...
A/N: I have my mocks this week so I might not be able to publish a part sorry xx. sorry this might be a short one. Tik Tok: keiraxpetrova ++++++++++++++++++++++++
𝔸𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒 𝕄𝕚𝕜𝕒𝕖𝕝𝕤𝕠𝕟
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Against all my best judgement my curiosity got the best of me and I had find out where it was coming from.
I got up walking away from the edge, "where are you going' Regulus asked me. "Regulus I need to go do something promise me you won't leave until I come back" I asked turning towards him.
He sighed "fine but hurry up it's lonely up here" he pouted looking down at the ground. I smiled "I promise" with that I walked down the stairs.
As soon as I reached the bottom I vamp sped to where the howls came from. I was standing behind a tree In front of a old broken looking house.
I was about to step closer when I heard voices, I quickly made myself invisible. I followed the voices around the back of the house.
My eyes widened when I saw Sirius, James and Peter standing a few feet away from a turning werewolf. I looked closer at the wolf noticing his scar and shaggy hair. It was Remus.
I stood there and watched as he screamed and howled as he turned. His friends trying to help him calm down.
He was almost fully turned when I saw the boys start to turn into something. My eyes widened as I watched as each one of them turn into a different animal.
I watched as James turned into deer, and as Peter turned into a small rat and lastly Sirius who turned into a black dog. They all stood next to each other eying the werewolf.
I realised they could get themselves killed by doing this so I quickly stripped off my clothes throwing them to the floor. I casted a invisibility spell on them making then disappear.
I slowly brought the wolf out of me focusing on turning. I fell to all fours as the wolf took over my body but leaving me in control.
Once I felt my paws sink into the ground I looked behind me and raised my tail seeing I was fully turned. I creeped a little closer, crouching in a bush just behind the three animals.
Remus was now on all fours in his wolf form, I watched him eyeing the black dog like dinner. I got into a starting position getting ready to attack if the wolf does.
I watched the wolves eyes, I could see he was going to attack. I got ready as the wolf jumped to attack they dog I leaped out from behind the bushes.
I pushed the wolf back landing on all fours in front of the animals. I growled at wolf who was slowly getting up, he eyed me growling trying to match mine. But me being older it didn't work well for him.
He jumped up to attack me, but I moved out the way before scratching him, weakening him but not seriously hurting him. He let out a whimper.
I was about to hold him down from attacking again but was stopped by a black dog piercing his teeth into my stomach scratching me. I let out growl going to attack the dog but the deer ran up to me throwing me against the tree making my back him the wood.
My body became limp from the pain, I let out a whimper looking down at the bite and scratch marks that were now bleeding making my grey fur start to become red. The dog was now creeping towards me, the deer and the rat were distracting the wolf.
My body was staring heal, the wounds were sealing up. I stumbled up on all fours level with the dogs eyes. I had low growl, from the anger of being attacked. We held eye contact stepping closer to each other.
We both pounced at each other, because I was stronger then him I was able to push him onto the ground. I was standing on top of him growling down at him, I looked down into his back eyes his were looking up into my yellow eyes.
We were broken out of our trance, by the howl of a wolf. I looked up to see Remus about to eat peter but was stopped by James. I was distracted and Sirius used this as his opportunity he bit down on my arm making it become weak.
He flipped us over and barked, I quickly tackled back we both continued a cycle of that making our furs become dirty. We were both making scratch marks on each other while rolling around I eventually bit down on his arm really hard.
It causing him to stop and whimper, I moved away from him seeing the wold curl up whimpering. The dog looked up, I could see the water in the dogs eyes.
I immediately felt bad, I stepped closer to the dog but the deer and rat ran over to the injured dog. The deer eyed me down, I slowly backed away from the scene into the bushes.
I turned back, finding my clothes and changing into them. I looked back at the animals to see the three were now turned back into humans. James was kneeling next to Sirius stopping the bleeding in arm, Peter was trying to find Remus who I now realised had disappeared.
I went to walk away, but I accidently stepped on a branch making it snap. The three peoples eyes looked in my direction, I panicked and vamp sped off to the Astronomy tower to meet Regulus.
What I hadn't realised was someone was watching everything play out.