|18| 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚠𝚜

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A/N: sorry late upload I've been working on my other book 'His Love'.

This one isn't that long because I have had skl work, the next one will be tho <33 enjoy

TikTok: keiraxpetrova

𝔸𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒 𝕄𝕚𝕜𝕒𝕖𝕝𝕤𝕠𝕟

𝔸𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕒 𝕄𝕚𝕜𝕒𝕖𝕝𝕤𝕠𝕟

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"It's okay to care Niklaus"


"Of course I have Marcel"

"What are you doing back here Andrea?" he asked looking at the person I just killed then back at me.
"well it was a unplanned but I'm here to find my brothers. Do you know where they are?" I replied and saw him tense up at me saying about my brothers.

"I don't know where they are staying you might want to check the bar they might be there" Marcel said picking up the dead body throwing it over his shoulder.

"Also if you are gonna kill people at least get rid of the body after" he sped away leaving me in the ally way.
"Rude" I scoffed flicking my hair over my shoulder, and walking out the ally way.

I made my way over to the Rousseau's, entering the bar. It was pretty empty, I sat at on one of the bar stools at the bar.
I blond bartender walked over to me while cleaning a glass.

I mentally laughed at the irony of another blond bartender working in a city full of super naturals. It won't be long till she gets pulled into their life.

"Don't you thinks it bit late for a beautiful girl like you to be out" she laughed smiling, "I could say the same for you" I smiled back at her.

"So what can I get for you?" she asked me, "I'll take a bourbon.." I looked at her name tag "Camille".
"One bourbon coming up.." she raised a eye brow asking my name "Andrea" I told her.

"Ooo nice name" she complemented me "Same goes for you" I complemented back.
She laughed "Camille's a grandmas name" I laughed "so please call me Cami" she handed me a glass of bourbon.

"well thank you Cami" I held my glass up to her before taking a sip from the glass.
"So what are you doing here?" She leaned against the bar, "My brother got himself into something and i'm trying to find out what"

Cami looked away for a second as if trying to remember something.
"That's weird a guy came in before saying that some people were conspiring against his brother and he wanted to find out and help him. He said he was looking for Jane- Anne Deveraux" she said.

I raised a eye brow "what did he look like" I asked her. She thought for a second "He had black hair, brown eyes...um he was wearing a suit that looked quite expensive" and that's how I knew it was Elijah.

"Ah yes that would be my noble brother Elijah" I smiled drinking more of my drink. I was about to talk to her when the sound of the door to the bar being open.

I whipped my head to the door to see someone who made a smirk grow on my face. I slammed my drink down getting of the seat and running to hug the person.

"Andrea I missed you" they hugged me back "I missed you as well Rebekah".
We pulled away and I brought her to the bar, sitting her next to me.

"I'll leave you two I need to clean some stuff in the back" Cami said before walking away to the back.
"What are you doing here?" I asked her turning to Rebekah, "Elijah wasn't picking up his dam phone so I came to check on him" she practically groaned.

"I'm here because Klaus wanted to talk" I shrugged "He's staying at the plantation house, you might find him there" Rebekah told me.
"Are you gonna come?" I asked her, she shock her head "nope I need a drink" she smiled.

I downed the rest of my drink and got up "see you soon sis" with that I sped out the bar to the old plantation house.

I didn't even bother knocking on the door, and just walked through the doors because who really cares about being polite.
"NIKLAUS WHERE ARE YOU!" I shouted into the empty house waiting for a reply.

"No need to shout little sister" Klaus said while walking down the stairs, "I'm older then you dickhead" I narrowed my eyes at him.
"No need for the bad language sister" he chuckled, "Why am I here Klaus I didn't want to come back here".

"Come sit" he gestured to the living room, I walked in and sat down on one of the couches.
"When we were back in Mystic Falls I might of hooked up with that werewolf Hayley" he started to explain what happened.

"The witch Jane Anne did some spell and" he paused, "and what" I asked him.
He sighed before saying "she was pregnant with my child" my mouth fell open and my eyes widened.

I was speechless, "I had the same reaction" my brother said running his hands through his hair.
"Where is she, she mum?" I said breaking out of my speechlessness, "Upstairs " he looked at the stairs.

"What are you- what are you going to do Niklaus" I wondered "I don't know?" he stressed standing up from the couch.
"I don't even care about the child, It's probably fake to try and find my weakness" I rolled my eyes at my brothers stubbornness.

"It's okay to care Niklaus" I also got up, "the witches want me dead this how they are going to do it" Nik still not believing in the child.
"Nik this is are chance to start over as family again" my word again softer then the rest.

He looked at me "what will the child offer me, it won't offer me power" my brother groaned.
"It will offer you a family Nik. I thought the same about Allison but it made me want a family with her" I looked down at the ground.

"I wanted a family with her and I lost it" I whispered shouted.
"If there is any chance you could have a child and start a family don't let it go please Nik. Be there for the child" I begged my brother.

His face softened and he wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm sorry ok I'll try, I'll try help the child. I want the family like you had with Allison" he comforted me.

"I'll stay here in New Orleans to help you and the child" I stated to which Klaus immediately shook his head.

"No this is my problem, you have a life back at Hogwarts go and live it" Nik said not allowing me to stay and help him.

I was about to protest by he spoke instead "If I need any help I'll let you know and you can always visit" he put his hands on my shoulders.

"But-" he cut me off "no go have a life and I promise.. promise that if there is anything I will let you know" I sighed giving up.

"You aren't going to let it go until a leave are you" I laughed a little.
"no" he shock his head given me a small smile.

"and I know how much you didn't want to come back here after what happened with Allison" I looked away trying not to let him know he was right.

"I love you sis but go and live your life and have fun" I smiled at him "but not too much fun" he warned in a brotherly way.

I playfully rolled my eyes, "will do brother". "I guess I should get back" I said looking at the time.

He nodded walking me to the door opening it for me "Don't kill too many people, or let any boy break your heart or I kill them and anyone they know" he smirked like a physio.

I laughed "not unless I do it first" I smirked back at him.
"Bye little sis" he waved me away, I gave him the finger "bye dickhead".

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