[Marauders Era| Enemies to lovers story| 16+| Slow burn| years 5-7]
Andrea Mikaelson, twin sister of the famous Hybrid Klaus Mikaelson. She is known as the first Trybrid, she has been on the run with her siblings for over a thousands years escaping...
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"It's been a long time Reggie".
My eyes widened slightly at the sight of Regulus Blacks sitting there. His hair was messy and his curls were falling in front of his face.
His eyes wondered to the sound of the door opening. His face immediately lights up and it was almost like his happiness came back into him.
I waved my hand at the white ring around him causing it to brake and make a opening.
He jumped straight to his feet and ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me, being me into a hug.
I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him in closer.
This was one of the best feelings I have ever felt. Being there Holding my best friend again. Was the best human feeling that I have felt since before I turned into a vampire. I almost felt human again when I was around him. I can't believe I lost him.
We stood there holding each other like we were going to lose each other again.
"I've missed you so much Reggie" I say squeezing him tighter "I missed you more" he sobbed "I never should have left you".
I could feel tears welling up in my eyes "I was so stupid". "yeah very" I laughed casing him to chuckle.
He pulled away, whipping his eyes and looked me in my eyes "I'm so sorry Rea", a smile formed on my lips at the nickname he said.
"I forgive you" his face filled with happiness and he had a massive smile.
He pulled me back into another hug "Thank you" we were both laughing at his reaction.
I always liked seeing this soft side of Regulus it was always so sweet and adorable.
After we both calmed down and were sitting on floor with our backs against one of the stones walls.
I turned my head towards him "How did you end up here?". He chucked and looked at me "That's a funny story".
"Well I came here because I remembered you telling me about how you had your family here. And I figured maybe you would come and visit them in the holidays." "I was walking around and stumbled into a graveyard and I heard a group of witches mention you and your family"
My eyes widened in shock and my brows raised. "I decided to ease drop on their conversation, it was hard to hear them but they said something about killing a baby and getting rid of your family"
"As soon as they said they would hurt you I got angry and decided to get involved I used my wand but they were more powerful. They are about to kill me but I got saved by this handsome guy in a suite who I think is one of your brothers, he had fangs and was really fast. He asked me how I knew you and when I said about Hogwarts, he brought me here"
Regulus waved his hands showing the place we were. "He also explained what he was and your family and what you are because he thought I knew".
He paused and stared at me, I took a breath before saying "So you know what I am?". He nodded in response.
I was panicking now thinking that he would hate me for not telling him about me, or maybe he would think I'm a monster and wouldn't want to see me.
All these thoughts were running through my head.
And Regulus noticed my panic and stress, he placed his hand onto mine. "Andrea this doesn't change anything or the way I see or think of you. Infect I think this makes you cooler" he hands a grin on his face, which caused the corners on my lips to curl upwards.
"You really don't think I'm a monster? I've killed so many people, how can you not hate me?".
He thought for a minuet before asking "How did you become, umm well what you are?" he awkwardly asked with a laugh, and scratched his head.
"You mean a Trybrid" I laughed to which he nodded "Well this is going to be a long story" and with that I explained to him... everything.
How my and my siblings grew up under our father's wrath, the death of my brother Henrick. The death which caused our mother to turn to the dark arts and cast a spell that ruined our lives, but also creating a bloodline of immortal beings and two of the most powerful creatures to live. I told him about the first time me and Niklaus turned, the death of our mother, and the endless run from our monstrous father.
I left out the part about Allison as I thought it was important for him to know and it was too hard for me to tell him.
After saying everything Regulus replied back to my other question.
"After hearing that I could never think you're a monster. I couldn't hate someone who was forced into becoming something by their parents. Especially if they didn't want it. Andrea you are my best friend, I love you so much and I would never look at you any differently".
His words caused a explosion of happiness inside of me.
Its been so long since I've felt this loved before. And the feeling of knowing that he always has my back and knowing that I can count on him.
I rested my head on his shoulder as we sat on the floor against the wall.
It was something about the peacefulness of siting in the quiet, knowing that nothing bad is going to happen in this moment. Being around Regulus makes me feel alive, like I'm living a normal life. he brings me down to earth and its one of the best feelings ever.
After awhile of sitting there, I started to get thirsty. "Do you want to go and get a drink?" I asked him.
"What kind of drink are you talking" he raised an eye brow with a slight smirk.
I laughed shoving his shoulder , "Not that kind. I meant like go to bar. I know one by here".
He laughed and agreed. I stood up and extended my arm for him which he gladly took.
And we made are way to Rossules.
When we walked in I noticed a few people staring at me but choice to ignore it and sit at the bar with Regulus.
I saw Cami and she smiled at me, and came over "Can we get two bourbons?" I looked at Regulus to see if he was okay with that and he nodded.
"Be right there".
"Is your real name Peirce?"
I sighed. "My real name is Mikaelson"
It took a minute then his eyes widened. "Mikaelson. Like original family Mikaelson" he asked in shock.
"Yeah. Do you know my family?" "Are you crazy! Of course I know your family. Voldemort always talks about your family"
I started at him in shock. "He talks about me" Regulus chucked "talks about you. He admires you he keeps saying how much he wants your power or you on his side".
Wants my power! Wants me on his side!
There is no way I'm letting get either! I'm going to have to have a few words with him.
"Oh. I see. Well that's not happening" I laughed. Regulus was about to say something but was interrupted when Cami came over with our drinks.
I smiled and thanked her. I pulled a £100 note and placed it infront of her.
She started at the note before smiling. "You know another person did that same thing".
I smiled and was about to say something before a voice spoke first.