Meeting them

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It was interesting to say the least when three figures met in a dark void. Blinking one of the figures looked around. They seemed to be walking in the galaxy, the floor solid enough to walk on. It reminded the figure of when they were a child... The memory came up and they couldn't help with smile fondly at the memory.


"Walter come on come one!" A small girl huffed, she was dragging her older brother who pouted at first. "Mom's waiting for us!" Walter soon starting to run when the girl let go of his hand to run into a room and bumped into the girl who hissed, "Watch out-uh-oh! Mom come on!" The brother groaned at the mood change, but walked in the dark through black curtains in the science museum. When the girl walked out of the black curtains she was amazed to see stars all around her and below her feet. Stars all around, she walked to the side and squeaked when she walked into something. Feeling it, she realized it was a railing. Looking over the railing, she saw what seemed to be endless stars, an endless world of space. "M-mom?" The girl asked, she couldn't see anything but the stars- the space! She couldn't see, and she was left all alone. "mom!" She yelled scared. "I'm here Cacey. follow my voice." Her mother instructed. Following the railing and walking towards her mother she saw her mother waiting by the end of the small walk through space. "Where's Walter?" The girl asked squinting hoping to see her brother. "He went outside to wait." The mother said and grabbed her daughter's hand with a smile. "Let's go." The girl smiled back and looked back at the endless amounts of the stars. If this seemed to go on, without an end and it was just glass and other stuff Cacey didn't know, she wondered what space would truly feel like. She walked out with her mother. " I wanna go back in!" The girl exclaimed but her brother loudly huffed in disagreement. "Maybe next time, it's Walter's turn to pick where to go next." Her mother apologized, and looked back to her brother. "Where next?" "I wanna see the car with the ropes attached!" Walter said and grabbed his mother's hands dragging both his mother and sister away. Cacey knew what he was talking about. A pully system was set up and inside a cage was a car connected to it. If you pulled down on the two long thick ropes with ropes at the end, the car would lift. "Maybe I can see the stars again one day." The girl muttered out loud, her mother gave a squeeze of her hand of reassurance. Yeah, she was defiantly going to seem them again. Just a little while longer.


"Hello fellow beings!" Another figure exclaimed throwing their hands above their heads with a grin, "I come in peace!"

The figure smirked and bowed, "I see what peace offerings have you given us!"

"Us?" The third figure asked, "Don't pull me into your nonsense!" The third laughed with a grin.

"I shall give a uh, a hug!" The first figure yelled and ran to the second giving a tight hug and picked them up slightly off the ground.

The third laughed, "Weirdos!"

"Your one too!" both figures exclaimed in their defense, before all three started laughing.

Taking a closer look at the two figures the second frowned. "You all look like blurred shadows to me." The second pointed out. The other two figures looked at the others nodding in confused agreement.

"Last thing I remember was the man-"

"Hato" The third corrected

"Yeah, Hato. What happened?"

The second thought for a moment before smiled. "We might need to discuss things first. For example what is everyone's name. Who will be the person who takes control most of the time, and talks most of the time. We can't talk and fight over who gets the most time outside of the... mind scape? Seems a better version of Naruto's mindscape." The second suggested, "We should have similar names like last time and different names for our genders."

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