Chapter 4: I Am Awaked With Mistakes

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**I need girlfriends for Austin, Tino, Phil and Aaron if you'd like to be let me know your name and who's you'd like to be**

Austin's POV;

I woke up feeling well rested. As I sat up I notice Alan and Maryanne cuddled up on the couch. I wonder if anything happened after I fell asleep. That would be adorable.

I smiled and decided to get up to make breakfast. Bacon and pancakes, Maryanne's favorite. I pulled out a frying pan and started to cook the bacon slowly, she had to have her bacon cooked a certain way, not too chewy but too crispy. I laughed at the memory of her freaking out over too crispy bacon one morning. After that was done I made some pancakes and set them up and waited for the two sleeping beauties to wake up. Is it weird that I want my best friend and little sister to start dating? Maybe a little but oh well, they'd be cute together and they've liked each other for so long, it's bound to happen eventually.

Sitting down, I started to eat a pancake while sipping on my Monster, when I heard faint talking from the living room. Sounds like they're up, I thought. Better leave them for a couple minutes.


Alan's POV;

Dreaming. I know I'm dreaming because I'm walking down the street holding Maryanne's hand. We're laughing and talking, then suddenly she stops and steps in front of me before moving her arms up around my neck pulling me down, closing the distance between us, between our lips...

Of course right before we kiss, I wake up. Waking up next to Marebear felt great, so perfect, like it was meant to be. I laid there looking at her sleep so peacefully, her blue hair lightly scattered over her face, the little smile on her lips.. After a few minutes of admiring her beautiful face her eyes slowly opened. She blinked a few times and finally opened her beautiful green eyes before turning over to face me. She looked nervous... I was the one who should be nervous, her face was just inches from mine. It was taking everything I had just to not kiss her, which I wanted to do so bad.

Instead I just whispered, "Goodmorning sleeping beauty" with a smile on my face. "Morning ginger princess" she whispered smiling back at me. She cuddled into my chest for a second before sitting up. " I smell bacon!" She giggled and got up running to the kitchen, I jumped up and walked after her smiling at how adorable she was.

I walked into the kitchen seeing her stuff her mouth full of bacon making me smile even bigger. This is the girl I'm falling in love with. I sat down beside her laughing, "Careful sleeping beauty, you don't wanna choke on all that meat" I winked at her and she coughed widening her eyes at me. It made me laugh even more. She glared at me and said, "Oh shut it ginger. I can eat all the meat I want." She winked back and I felt myself start to blush so I stood up and grabbed a plate putting a couple pancakes and some bacon on it before I sat back down and ate in silence. "What no thanks to the chef?" Austin said as he walked into the room. "Thanks Austin, it tastes great!" I replied to him. "Yeah Aus, it's soooo good especially the bacon, yum!" Maryanne added before shoving another piece of bacon into her mouth.

I chuckled and finished eating my food. When I was done I got back up and put my plate in the dishwasher and Maryanne moved beside me to put her plate in as well. Her hand brushed across mine as she pulled back. Oh how I wanted to just grab it and hold it like in my dream.

**I know this one is also a little short but I'm just getting used to writing all this out! Hopefully we'll have some longer chapters soon! (:**


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