~~A/N; I AM SO SORRY I'VE BEEN GONE FOR SO LONG ;-; I'm gonna be seeing Of Mice And Men AGAIN IN FEBRUARY IN TORONTO!! C: I'm so excited omg :'3 Anyways on with the story c': ~~follow me on tumblr maybe? counterpurrs.tumblr.com~~
*The Next Morning*
Alans POV;
I woke up laying with her in my arms, eyes closed thinking about last night.. God, last night was amazing. We didn't go that far, but just feeling her touch all over my body was perfection, just like she is.. All of a sudden my head was filled with the sound of our song Let Live playing.. Her favorite song, of course, I looked over to her as her eyes slowly opened and turned to me smiling. It took her a second to realize that it was her phone playing the song because of a call. She grabbed it and sleepily said, "Hello?" into it. She smiled as I heard Austins voice come through it saying "You two lovebirds should get up and come downstairs, we have some company!", she replied "Okay be down in 5" and hung up, rolling back over to face me. I took the chance I had, put my hand on her cheek and kissed her forehead, nose then lips. I could feel her smile as I did which made me smile even more of course. This is the girl I love, I thought as I pulled back from her face. She smiled at me and got up from the bed pulling on a pair of jeans and then ran a brush through her hair before turning back around and saying "Well come on, Aus said we had company" then walked out of the room and down the stairs. After a minute I got up and pulled my pants on before heading downstairs after her.
Maryanne's POV;
When I got downstairs I saw my brother and a girl sitting at the table, "Ashley! How's it going!?" I walked over to her and hugged her. Ashley and I went to school together and had bonded over our love for Of Mice And Men, she almost had a heart attack when she found out Austin was my brother. She still couldn't really get over the fact but she never made it the point of our friendship which I appreciated because too many people only wanted to be friends because of him.. We pulled away from the hug and sat at the table while Austin made us some sandwiches. Ashley smiled at something behind me and then I felt arms wrap around me and someone kiss the top of my head. "This is something new, why haven't I heard about this?" she laughed and winked at me, knowing the massive crush I've had on Alan.. "Uhh yeah, we started dating a couple weeks ago.." I looked over at Alan who had sat down beside me and he was blushing a bit which made me laugh. "Hey guys how's it going?!" I heard Phil shout from the door, I looked at Ashley knowing she recognized his voice. She's had the biggest crush on him for literally ever.. Then it popped into my mind, what if I set them up on a date? I told him I'd find someone he would like, and Ashley is literally perfect for him..
Phil walked into the kitchen and the second he laid eyes on Ashley I knew, this is gonna be perfect. I had remembered that he said she was really pretty before, this is gonna be good... I jus have to get them alone together first... "Hey Aus, didn't you have something to show Alan..? In your room or something...?" Staring at my brother hoping he'd get the hint... "What....? OH yeah, Alan come with me!" Alan looked at me confused before kissing me and getting up to follow Austin.
"Phil? Remember that one time you said Ashley was really pretty?" They both blushed as he slowly started to nod, "Uh.. Yeah I remember.." Then I turned to Ashley, "Didn't you say that Phil was pretty cute too?" They both blushed even more, and she nodded too. "Hey I know! Why don't you guys come on a date with me and Alan!? That would be so much fun, and you guys both think each other are really cute, right? This is gonna be so awesome!" They both said "Yeah, sure" really shyly so I continued and said " How bout tonight!? Me and Alan were planning on going out to dinner anyways so lets make it a double date! Yay!" They both nodded as Alan and Austin walked back into the room. "Austin, you're weird..."
"WE'RE GOING ON A DOUBLE DATE WITH ASH AND PHIL TONIGHT, OKAY? OKAY." I yelled at Alan and he just nodded, "Okay" Everyone laughed and we sat down to eat.
~~Sorry this one's so short but I'll be writting a longer one soon, this is just to hold you guys over since it's been SO LONG since I wrote last ;-; I'm also sorry if this one isn't that good as well ;-; And a special thanks to "dis4ster0l0gy" for being a part in the story as Ashley (: She was the first person to message me about the part so I gave it to her, sorry to everyone else who messaged me about it but I'm sure I'll have oter parts in the story to come up soon!~~
Pretty Little Lady With The Swollen Eyes(Alan Ashby Love Story) **discontinued**
Fanfic*I've lost motivation to continue writing this story, I'm sorry to all my readers. I want to thank you all for your support throughout my time writting this story* An Alan Ashby fan fiction. Austin Carlile's younger sister, Maryanne, has had feeling...