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Description: Ruke. That's all I'm going to say for this. Oh and it might be a little sad (don't worry, it'll be okay)

Warning: There might be a little bit of sad Reggie

Requested by Jayloslife Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like it!

Note: This one is a little short


I sit in the corner, holding her to my chest, looking at the mess in the living room. A small tear escapes my eyes. I can't believe it! He's gone. He's gine and left me alone with her. I can't be a father! It's hard enough with the two of us, I can't do it alone! I just can't.

I woke up this morning to find Luke out of bed. That's unlike him so I got up ad made my way into the bathroom. He wasn't there. I looked in the kitchen, in the living room, all over the house. He wasn't anywhere. I found Coco in the living room, tearing it to pieces. I searched for a note, thinking he might have left one but there was none to be found. I started to cry. I picked up Coco to stop her from destroying anything else and sat down in the corner. I pull Coco away from me carefully.

"Where'd your daddy go?" I sob. "Where'd he go?" She just whines in response. "Luke, please come back to me. Please." I let go of Coco and she goes back to running around. Pillows are everywhere, there is fuzz coming from many different places and yet, I still sit in the corner. How does Luke expect me to take care of a dog all by myself when I am still like a child? Another tear leaks and I curl in on myself.

I stay like this for a little bit longer until I hear Coc start barking and the front door open. I look up to see Luke walk in, greeting Coco and placing a couple bags on the floor. I shoot up and run to him, throwing my arms around him in an embrace, afraid that if I let go, he will disappear.

" Woah, easy there." He laughs, hugging me back. He pries himself from my grasp. "Reg, what happened? Were you crying?"

"Where were you? I thought you had left me! I thought you had taken some of your stuff and just left." I start to cry again, even more tears rolling down my cheek. I let out a choked sob. He shakes his head.

"Reg, I was gone for ten minutes! Besides, I would never leave you! You are my life, my world. My life is nothing without you in it." He says, pulling me into a hug.

"You really mean that?"

"Of course! I love you Reg. And I am never going to leave you. And I won't let you leave me, got it?"

"I'd never leave you." I chuckle. " I love you too much." He smiles and I lean forward to kiss him. When we pull back I ask, "So where did you go? And why didn't you write a note?"

"I went to get groceries and I did write a note."

"There was no note! I looked all over for one!" I exclaim.

"Yes there was. It was right-" he points to a spot on the counter. There was nothing there. He looks under the counter and found small pieces of paper with some writing on it. "Found it." He looks at Coco. "Looks like a little somebody got a hold of it." He chuckles and I chuckle with him.

"I'm sorry I doubted you. I should have known that you wouldn't just leave."

"I'm sorry too, for not waiting for you to wake up before going. And for scaring you." He smiles. We kiss again.

Hey guys! What did you think of that chapter? Did you like it? I was going to post this last night but there was a large storm and my power went out and ame back on at like, 3 am this morning so I didn't get to. But here it is! I hope you enjoyed it! Have any of you seen the first episode of Loki yet? It was so good!! I can't wait for another episode! How are you guys doing? I have about two weeks left of school and then I'm done! Yayyy! I have English right now so it's not that bad. Please let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments! As always, feel free to comment and vote! Also, please remember to send in skme requests via dm or comments! Thank you all so much for your support! It is truly amazing♥ I hope you are all having a wonderful week and remember, if you ever need someone to talk to, my dm is always open♥ I hope you are having a good day/night/whatever time of day it is for you! See you in the next chapter!

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