This Band Is Back? Part 3

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Description: You were part of Sunset Curve back before your bandmates died. You fell out of music for years. You are great friends with Julie's dad, Ray and no longer talk with Bobby. (Trevor) When the boys come back, you are the only other person who can see them off stage, other than Julie. They help you get into music and you guys reconnect. Bobby is nice.

Warning: Sad, mentions of killer hotdogs

Note: This will be split into a few parts as it will be a longer one. I also cut out some dialogue when writing this since it was getting long but just assume it's there still. Long and unedited.


I walk up the path to the Molina house, two boxes of pizza in my hands. I have been coming here for the past year, ever since Rose died. She was the one thing that was constant for me after the boys deaths, 25 years ago. I take a dee breath. It's been exactly 25 years today. It feels like it was just yesterday.

I knock on the front door and walk into the house.

"Hey guys, I'm here." I call. Ray comes around the corner from the kitchen.

"Hey y/n. How are you today?" He asks, ulling me in for a hug and kissing my cheek. "Have you, you know, played?" I shake my head.

"No, I wouldn't know what to play. It's been 25 years since I last played." I sigh.

"I know it's hard. Julie hasn't been able to play since Rose died either. Maybe the two of you could help each other?"

"Yeah, I could try that."

"Aunt y/n!" Carlos yells, barreling into me.

"Hey kiddo." I chuckle. "Hey, why don't you help your dad finish preparing for dinner? I want to talk to your sister for a moment."

"Okay! If you're looking for her, she's out in mom's old studio." The studio. I haven't been in there since the morning of their funeral.

"Thanks kiddo, now go help your father." I make my way out to the studio. Taking a deep breath, I walk into the studio. Not much has changed since I was last in it. There's a piano in the middle of the room in front of me, but other than that, everything is exatly the same. Luke's couch is still where it used to be. I sadly smile as I look around, tears prickling my eyes.

"Hi Aunt y/n!" Julie calls from up on the loft. "There are a lot of cool things up here! You should come check them out!" I can imagine some of the things up there. Things left behind by my brothers. I slowly make my way up the ladder and immediately see Luke's guitar, Reggie's bass and Alex's drum sticks. Julie diggs into a box. "Woah! This is so cool!" She holds up one of our old CDs, the one we gave Rose all those years ago. All these years and I thought everyone had forgotten about Sunset Curve, that I was the only one who remembered them. Even Julie and Carlos don't know that I was in the band. In the corner, I see my old guitar. I walk over to it and pick it up, placing the stral over my head. I brush off the dust and admire the purple and blue guitar before me. Julie tramples down the stairs and rushes over to the sterio. I watch her, curiosity getting the best of me. The music starts playing and I hear Now or Never playing. I blink back tears as the memories of the dreadful night years ago come flooding back. I take a step back, trying to catch my balance. I hear screaming and suddenly, they are there. All three of them, standing in the studio. I must be seeing things.

"How did we get back here?" Luke asks, looking around. I stumble back, nearly falling down the ladder. Julie starts screaming and runs out of the studio. They can't be here. They can't be. They died 25 years ago. I must be seeing things. Maybe my exhaustion from lack of sleep the past week has finally caught up to me. I slowly but surely make my way down the ladder, keeping a side glance on them the entire time. I sit down on Luke's couch, taking deep breaths. This can't be happening. I thought that I was finally getting better. I thought that I was finally moving on from it all, finally able to live my life. A tear slips down my cheek. Then another. Then another. They start coming freely until I am sobbing.

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