Chapter 12

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*Months later*

Leahs POV

It has been months since Jennifer left and quite frankly everything has changed for the worse. Joe and Mia got together not even a week later. I guess that day my father was vulnerable was just reality hitting him like truck but I guess he didn't care. I've tried so many ways to contact Jennifer but I couldn't. I feel like I don't know what to do with myself everyday. I feel so lost even though we were never together. All we did was mess around and it's horrible to think about but that was my dad's girlfriend.

Like I said Jennifer had completely vanished. There is no trace of her anywhere. The worse part is I don't where she works and I guess my dad doesn't know either but he never really cared about anything.

Well after graduating a couple months ago I had started looking for college's but I don't know really know where to go. Not going to college had crossed my mind multiple times but I know I have to because I can't just depend on my dad. I'm most likely going to the one closest to my dads house. But at the same time I don't want to even be close to him. So I decided to actually stay on the campus because I'm so ready to get out this shit hole.

Since Joe and Mia got together it just been bad. She does nothing with her life. All she does is want to shopping or ask my dad for money which obviously I saw coming seeing the looks from her. She doesn't even take care of Maria which is pathetic. My dad doesn't even notice half the time because he is no where to be seen and no one knows where he is going.

Luckily my birthday is tomorrow so I can escape from this realty and just go clubbing and do whatever. I just hate knowing I could treat her well and she doesn't have the opportunity to feel appreciated.

The next day...

I'm getting dressed to go to the club since it a my birthday today. I'm turning 18, legally I can't drink but Lexi had got us some fake IDs. So let's see how everything goes.

I finally finished my make-up and I had already did my hair and got dressed so I put my heels on and rushed to my car already running late.

"Are you still coming?!" Lexi texted me. I know I'm really running that late.

"I'm coming, wait!" I replied and started my car back away from the driveway. During the ride Lexi kept texting me on how long I was taking. I swear there isn't a day where she doesn't complain.

I pulled in her driveway and texted her I was here. Once she got in the car I was hit with a wave of her strong perfume. "Oh my gawd what took you so long" I mocked her referring to earlier when she was pesting me for being late.


We were standing in front of the bouncer right now and he was checking our IDs. I have never felt so nervous and scared in my whole life but I had to play it off. "Alright c'mon in" he said and I sighed in relief. Me and Lexi walked in and looked for our group of friends. I guess they found us first because I heard people calling my name and we found our crowd.

Lexi sat down and I sat on her lap. I started to talk to my friends and they were all wishing me a happy birthday until my most wild friend came to the group with a tray of shots. He gave each person two shots. "On three! 1..2..3!" He yelled and on cue we all downed all the shots with ease.

More than a few shots later I was on the dance floor, dancing my heart out. It felt good to escape reality. I was dancing so hard and free, I bumped into someone. She stumbled and almost fell but I caught her surprisingly. I went to apologize until I saw her face and was left speechless.

"Jennifer?" I muttered and she looked confused but froze when she saw me. "Leah?" I was going to ask her a question but she quickly rammed into my chest hugging me tight. "I missed you" she whispered and I squeezed her just as tight. I grabbed her hand and made her walk to the bar so we could talk but she had a different idea. She pulled me out the club and looked at me. "You are 18, what are you doing in there?" She asked and I flashed her a shy smile. She laughed at my reaction and grabbed my arm making me walk with her.

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