Chapter 6

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Jennifer's POV

I parked my car in at Walmart to sleep since I didn't have anywhere else to go. I opened the windows a little so I wouldn't die. After I got comfortable I got reminded about the situation that was happening and cried myself to sleep.


I woke up to a person knocking on my window. "Move your car before I have it towed" a white women said and I nodded. I rubbed my sore eyes and mad my way back to Joe's house since I need my stuff. On the way there I got reminded on how he would hold me each night. I just hope it doesn't change. I parked on the street and went to the door and knocked. "Leah get the door!" I heard Joe yell and Leah groaned.

Shortly after the door was opened and Leah's eyes widened. "Aren't you supposed to be in here?" She asked sleepily and I smiled. "I don't know right now but I hope really soon" I said and she looked at me confused. "Who's at the door?" Joe asked making himself seen. As soon as he seen me he pushed Leah lightly away and shut the door in my face. I could feel myself about to cry.

"Please Joe I need you" I begged and he didn't open the door. I knocked again and Joe answered the door and he looked annoyed. "Baby please I really need you" I whispered wiping my eyes with my sleeves. "What happened?" Leah asked and Joe smiled. "Guess you were right Leah she is a hoe" he said making my heart break into pieces. "What do you mean?" She asked and I looked down and back up her with my puffy red eyes.

"Ryan kissed me and I tried to pull away but he pushed himself on me and when he heard your fathers footsteps he switched positions so it looked like I kissed him but I didn't. I couldn't do that to him ever. I love him with my whole heart." I said and she scoffed. I knew she wouldn't believe me. I looked back down and I started to cry hard and I couldn't stop. "I love you so much" I whispered and I put my hands on my face.

"Dad she is obviously telling the truth" Leah said and I looked at her. "What? Because she is crying? That bullshit" he said and Leah looked down. "Answer me!" He yelled at her and I didn't like that. "Papi don't yell at her" I said and he looked at me, he was about to say something but Leah said something first, "It was my fault." Joe looked at her with a suspicious look. "You don't have to cover for her" he said and she shook her head. "No I'm serious. Me and Ryan had made a bet and I bet him he couldn't get into Jennifer's pant and he said he could" she said making me feel hurt since she agreed to this. "See I would never do that to you" I said and his look softened. I went to go hug him and he rushed to me.

I cried harder since I really did miss him in that short time period. "Im sorry" he whispered. "It's okay" he pulled away and looked at me and put his forehead on mine. "No it's not, I should've believed you" he said and I smiled and went to kiss him softly but he made it deeper. I pulled away since Leah was right there. "Chill big boy" I said and he smiled and hugged me again.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes just taking in each other's presence. Afterwards we went inside and I told Joe I was tired so I went to take a nap in our room.

Leahs POV

I feel bad knowing Jennifer went through that last night. I didn't think Ryan would do it without her consent and force himself on her. I though he would just seduce her and she would fall for it but I guess not. I started to make my way to the room where everyone was but my dad grabbed my arm.

"Why would you do that?" He asked but he wasn't angry, he seemed scared and hurt. "I just didn't want her here. I though she would just leave you like mom did" I said and he shook his head while looking down. "She is different and I will prove it to you" I just looked away and sighed. Now knowing that she actually isn't a hoe make me feel more comfortable about her. I just might be more open to her since she really does love my dad.

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