chapter eight|| My brother

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"What are you doing Edward?" I asked when I noticed the boy standing outside in the parking lot. His head snapped in my direction, a small smile playing on his lips. "Mom and Gemma are on their way." I shook my head and chuckled. As much as Edward was what we call a badboy, he was a family guy. Of course he had missed them ever since he got here. "Their coming to watch the game." He stated. A smile spread across my face as I remembered who I would be seeing today.

"My brother is coming with his family to watch." I told him. He frowned a little. "You have a brother?" He asked, confused. I shrugged. "Yeah. Last time I saw him I was about 11. But we talked until I was 14 or something like that." I explained. Edward nodded and looked towards the parking lot entrance. Marcel arrived, smiling at me. "Isn't this exciting?" He asked Edward who nodded.

We talked for a while, waiting. I had nothing else to do and it was a while before Greg would arrive. My heart stopped when I noticed Harry walking over, hands in his jean pockets and his head down. He looked so cute in that moment. I wanted to kiss him and tell him that everything was alright. Harry was always very confident and seeing him like this was always weird, but cute.

He looked up when he arrived and smiled at me lightly. "Hi." He spoke very softly. I bit the inside of my cheek so I didn't tell him I loved him. Not trusting my voice, I simply nodded. We stayed silent for a moment. No one dared saying a word. That was until Harry decided to make me die a little inside.

"I love you Niall. I still do and I always will. Please let me come back to our room." He begged. He looked like a sad puppy who had been hit various times. I turned my head not wanting to loook at him any longer. "I should go." I whispered. I turned around and started walking towards the dorms. I heard Harry scream out in anger but decided to ignore it.

I couldn't help the tears roll down my cheek as I walked. I loved Harry more then anything but maybe Louis was right. Maybe the first love was never the good one.

My eyes widened in suprise when I entered my dorm room. Louis was lying on the bed looking through some of my old photos. His head snapped my way upon hearing my entrance. He frowned when seeing my tear stained face. "What are you doing here Louis?" I asked. My voice was low and deep. I mentally slapped myself. My dad never let me show any kind of weakness. I was so used to him hitting me each time that I had stopped showing any weakness. That was until everything with Harry happened.

"What happened Niall?" He asked instead of answering my question. I shook my head and shrugged. I walked over to the bed and layed next to him. "Why are you looking at these?" I nodded towards the photos. He smiled and kissed my cheek. "You were the cutest when you were younger." He told me. I was thankful he wasn't questioning my weakness any further. It wasn't something I was going to speak about with him.

I smiled. "Mom used to take a picture of everything. She would say that I was made to be in front of a camera." I laughed a little at the memory. Even if my parents werent the best, we still had amazing memories together.

Louis put the photos down and pulled me into his chest. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him. "What are you doing?" I asked. He bent down a little to kiss my cheek. "I need a good luck cuddle." He said, making me blush. "Did you hear about the new guy? He seems a little weird." He asked. I frowned at his comment. It was something Harry would say and that I would get mad at.

"Don't say that." I told him. Instead of just changing topic, he took it further. "But it's the truth. All we know is that his name is Zayn. We don't know where he came from or anything." He tried explaining. I didn't really see the problem. The guy was aloud to keep his life to himself. "I really don't want to fight Louis." I wimpered.

He huffed. "We're not fighting babe. We're discusing." I shook my head in his chest. "We have to get ready for the game." I told him. He let out a sigh and kissed me softly. "Im sorry if you didn't like what I said. I didn't want to be mean." I nodded, letting him know I accepted his apology. He got up and left the room without another word.

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