Chapter eleven|| Liar

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Its been a week. A week since I got back with Harry. A week since I broke Louis' heart. A week since I last seen him, too.

Louis had disappeared for a whole week and no one knew where he was. Then again, I was probably the only one who cared.

It was Friday and we had a game today. Everyone was hopping that Louis would show up on time to play. He was the best player on the team and our captain.

I was glad when Greg had called a few days ago to announce that he will be at the game. The game wasn't as big as the last one so I didn't understand why he would come.

He told me how bad he felt about not being their for me for so many years and he. In all honesty, I didn't mind. He was here now and that's all that mattered.

Harry and I were walking the field a few hours before the game to meet up with the rest of the team. Since we weren't sure if Louis would make it or not, we wanted to practice a little more. He was the best player and we weren't as good without him.

"Even though I didn't like Louis all that much, I hope he makes it for the game." Harry spoke. I nodded. "Yeah me too." We stayed silent after that as we walked. We had nothing to say.

We were both pretty nervous about the game. And I think Harry was nervous about meeting Greg but as my boyfriend this time. I understood why. The first time I saw his family as his boyfriend, I thought I was going to be sick.

We arrived at the field where everyone was waiting. "Alright huddle up team!" The coach called out when he noticed us.

"As you may have noticed, your captain has been missing. We aren't sure he will make it tonight so if he doesn't you will have a new captain for this game. I have chosen Niall." My eyes widened at the news. Many players had been on this team way longer then me but he chose me. I was flattered.

The team smiled at me and some of them patted my back. "Alright now lets start. Niall, get to work." Coach ordered.

It wasn't hard helping Coach get the team ready. I was used to it after doing it for so many years in high school. It was something I enjoyed doing. I enjoyed helping my team improve.

We stopped practice when people started arriving. Some ran back in the locker room while others went to go chat with some friends and family that came to watch. I pulled Harry with me near the field where I knew Greg would be waiting.

I was right. Greg was waiting with his small family. "Greg!" I exclaimed when I reached them. He smiled and hugged me. "Hey Nialler." I hugged Denise and bent down to pick up Theo who had jumped on me to get my attention.

"Guys, this is Harry, my boyfriend." I introduced them for the second time. Harry smiled at them but more shyly this time.

"It's nice to meet you Harry." Greg winked at him. He blushed a little, feeling awkward. He smiled down at Theo. "Nice to see you again Buddy." Theo smiled at him and hid his face in the crook of my neck, making us all laugh.

We talked for a while, waiting for the game to start. It wasn't long before Liam came to get us. We said goodbye and walked back to the field. The rest of the tem was surrounding the Coach and waiting on us. We excused ourselves and joined them.

"Boys, maybe we don't have Louis but doesn't mean that we can't win this. You guys are all such great players and can do this. Now go kick some ass." We all cheered and were about to take our place on the field when our eyes all caught a figure.

"Louis Tomlinson. Where were you?" The coach asked, frowning. "Doesn't matter. I'm here now." Louis answered. The whole team was staring at him, making him groan. "What are you guys waiting for? We have a game to win." We all listened to him and ran on the field.

I don't think we would have won the game without Louis. So once the game was over and the team was cheering on the field with the crowd, I ran up to him. "Louis!" I called out. He turned towards me, frowning. "What?" He spat.

"I understand that your mad at me and I'm sorry for what I did. Thanks for showing up for the game. You played really well." I did my best to sound friendly as I spoke loudly to make sure he heard me over all the noise. He rolled his eyes at me. "Like you care." I frowned at him.

"I do care Louis and I love you. Just not the same way you love me." I tried to explain. Louis was such a great person and I wanted to keep him close. But just as a friend.

"Oh just give it a rest Niall. I can't be loved. I don't deserve it after everything I did. I'm surprised they didn't lock me up yet." I shook my head at him. He was so wrong.

I never had the chance to tell him that though as Zayn suddenly appeared. "Looks like that's going to change." Our heads snapped to the side to look at him. We both gasped in surprise at his outfit. He was dressed as a police officer and two other police officers stood behind him.

"Zayn, what the hell are you wearing?" Louis asked him. Zayn pulled out his badge and showed it to us. "I'm an undercover cop Louis. We had suspected everything you did and just needed proof so I was sent here. After you confessed everything to me earlier today, it was enough to lock you up." I stared at him confused. What was going on?

"Please turn around Louis with your hands behind your back." Louis seemed to understand what was going on. He did as he was told and Zayn put handcuffs on him. Zayn said the whole 'you have the right to remain silent' thing and the two other officers brought Louis away.

Zayn turned to me and slightly smiled. "Your a cop?" I asked and he nodded. "Sorry I lied. I just had to do my job."

I was mad at this point. I trusted him and helped him befriend Louis.

"I can't believe it! How could you?!" I screamed at him. His eyes widened in surprise and he took a step back. "Calm down Niall." He tried to sound as friendly as possible but I didn't care. I was disgusted by him.

An arm wrapped around my waist and lightly pulled me back. "Leave it. He's not worth it." Harry spoke loudly, making sure Zayn would hear. He sent him one last glare before pulling me away and off the field.

We stopped walking once we reached the parking lot. Harry pulled me close and I started crying. I felt guilty. Louis was gone and it was my fault. If only I was more careful, I could have protected him. As his friend of course.

"I know a great lawyer. I'll hire him for Louis. Don't you worry Niall. Louis will be alright." Harry whispered. I pulled away and looked up at him. "Why would you want to help him? I thought you hated each other." I asked.

Harry bent down and kissed my forehead. "Because he's important to you Niall." I nodded and laid my head on his chest. We stayed like that in silence for a moment.

"Harry?" I spoke against his chest. "Yes Niall?" He answered.

"Why are you so perfect?" I asked without moving my head. I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled.

"I have to be perfect to be with a perfect person like you."

A/N: And its done. I have reached the end of this story.

wow I finished two books in one day. this is very emotional. its like being a mom and having your kids leave for college after you took care of them their whole life. its hard.

Ill be editing the whole story very soon to make sure I don't have any mistakes. This chapter may have a few since I didn't go over it. I was too emotional.

But hey I wont be completely gone! I have my two other stories that I just started and im very excited about them. so maybe go read them?

I have nothing else to say other then I love you all!

For the last time,





all the love, B.

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