chapter four|| the smell of sex

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I woke up alone the next morning, frowning. I looked around the room but Harry was no where to be seen. I wasnt suprised since I knew his classes started earlier.

I groaned as I stood up, grabbing my phone to see what time it was. it was 9, meaning I had class in 30 minutes. I didn"t bother taking a shower and just got dressed, putting on my derby jersey that I hadnt wore in a while. iIstarted looking around for my books, frowning when I couldnt find them. I crossed my arms as I tried to remember what happened to them. My eyes widened as I remembered putting them in Louis' car the night before.

I ran out my door and out to the parking lot. I let out a sigh in relief when I noticed Louis opening his car door. "Louis!" I called and he looked up at me, looking me up and down with a poker face. He moved to hide his bottom half behind the car door. "My books are in your car." I pointed to the back seat. He didnt move or answer. He just stared.

"Your jersey. Its really um, it looks really good on you." I raised an eyebrow at how weird he was being. "Thanks." I started walking towards him to get my books but when I was close enough, he put a hand on my chest to stop me. "No, its really hot on you Niall. its making me so damn hard." I directed my eyes down to his crotch where I noticed what he was saying was true. I gulped and looked back up to look at his face. His nose scrunched up as he bent over a little to sniff me. He pulled away and frowned at me. "You smell like sex."

"I told you Louis. I have a boyfriend." I rolled my eyes at him. He didnt speak and just bent in his car, getting my books and giving them to me. He sat in his car and was about to close his door when I stopped him. "Where are you going? dont you have class?" I asked. "I do but I have to bring Lottie back her keys." He didnt even look up as he spoke. When he was done, he closed his door and drove off.

I walked away and to my first class, thankful when I noticed that I wasnt late. I sat in my seat and my eyes darted to the clock above the door right away. I couldnt help but feel bad about what happened with Louis. He looked really hurt by my sent. I knew I shouldnt care but I did.

People in my class glanced at me disgusted, letting me know that they smelt me. I started tapping my foot, uncomfortable with the students looks. The teacher walked around the class, giving us some papers to do. He stopped when he reached me and frowned. "Did you forget to shower Niall?" He asked. "Didnt have time actually. Sorry sir." I excused myself.

"Im sorry but you are disrupting the rest of the class. Please leave and take your shower." I nodded, grabbing my books and walking out of the class. I did as told and walked to my dorm to go take my shower. I walked in seeing it was empty since Harry was still in class.

I went back to class right after I was done with my shower, not wanting to miss too much. Once my day was done, I ran to my dorm that was still empty. I was confused since I knew Harry had finished his classes and we had football practice in about an hour.

I found my practice uniform and decided to go to the field early. When I arrived, I saw that a bag of balls was there so I took one and started kicking it around. I did so for about 15 minutes until the ball was taken away from me. I froze in place as I watched Louis kick the ball in the air before catching it in his hands. "Your early for practice. I thought you would have wanted to pass some time with that boyfriend of yours first." He played with the ball in his hands without glancing at me.

"I don't know where he is at the moment." I didnt lie. There was no point in it. Louis finally looked up at me, a smirk playing on his lips. He slowly started walking towards me as he let the ball fall from his hands. "If you were with me, you would always know where I am." He put his hand on my cheek but I pulled away. "I trust him." I stated but he rolled his eyes as he grabbed my hips, pulling me into him. "I don't. I don't trust him with your heart Niall. But if only you could trust me." His lips fell on my neck as he left a soft kiss.

"You really need to stop this and understand that im with Harry." I spoke but I made no attempt in pushing him off. I was frozen in place, weirdly apriciating the feeling. His hot breath hit my neck and his chest vibrated against mine when he chuckled. "And you really need to understand that im not giving up." My body slightly melted in him, almost accepting his presence.

"The other boys will be here soon." Both our heads snapped in the direction of the voice to see our coach coming our way. Louis kissed my cheek before letting go of me and walking back to where he dropped the ball. As he picked it up, players from the team started arriving. They all greeted eachother as they arrived, including me but none of them ever greeted Louis.

Harry was the last one to arrive. He greeted everyone with the exception of Louis then made his way to me. I frowned at him a little. I knew he was the kind to want to just fit in but I would have thought that he would have known better. It was rude.

I felt Louis' stern gaze on us when Harry wrapped his arms around my small frame. He gave me a small peck on the lips and then kissed my cheek. The same cheek that Louis kissed. "Where were you? I couldnt find you so I came here early." I asked. He shrugged. "I went to hang out with my brothers. Turns out they will be starting school here next week." I couldnt help but smile at the excited boy in front of me. It was the cuttest thing ever.

My eyes scanned the field where everyone was chatting as they waited for the coach to anounce the start of practice. My eyes fell on Louis who just stood there alone, frowning as he watched everyone. I looked back at Harry, my smile completly disapering from my face. "Why didn't you greet Louis when you arrived?" I asked. He looked at Louis for a moment before looking back at me. "Nobody else does so why should I?" iIhuffed and lightly pushed his chest, wanting him away from me.

Just then, practice started. It lasted way longer then it ever did in high school but I didn't mind. I always loved playing football. So when it was over, I stayed behind as the other boys left, out of breath. I wasn't suprised when Harry stayed behind with me. I ignored his presence and played with the ball as he just stood there and watched me. I was mad and all I could focus on was putting all my anger into hitting the ball.

"I'm sorry ok? I just don't understand why your making such a big deal out of this." He spoke loudly. I hit the ball, letting out a loud scream. "Because I was him in high school Harry and it's just cruel to ignore him like that." I didnt look at him, I just stared at my ball as it rolled further. "Your not him Niall. Louis is a bad guy and your not." I brought both my hands up and placed them in my hair, frustrated with the boy I loved so damn much.

"But what if he had an explination? Nobody tried to understand. They all just came to a conclusion and pushed him away." Harry laughed making my head snap in his direction. "There's no explination in rape and murder Niall. Just stay away from him." I frowned and walked his way, only to just pass by him to make my way towards the exit of the field.

"My parents always told me to do things I didnt like which made me despise them. Don't become one of them."

A/N: omg when i told my friends that i was writting the thing about smelling like sex they all started laughing so hard in class it was crazy!

so my mom started reading family or lover but stopped cuz she says she doesnt like gay stuff or love stories. she said shell just read another of my stories bt they are basically all about love so fuck her.

my friends read family or lover... they all love it! im so happy they didnt think i was weird!


haha but until next time,





btw.... i love you guys so much! and this chapter is dedicated to rapgod because she always comments and i love her so much. yes, i notice you.

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