chapter three|| super market

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"Ready?" I jumped in surprise, making all my books fall to the ground. I groaned and bent down to pick them. The person who made me drop them in the first place bent down and started helping me pick them up. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I looked up to see Louis frowning. I smiled and shook my head. "Its no problem." He smiled back as he handed me my books and stood up, me doing the same after him.

"So are you ready?" He asked once again. I frowned. "Ready for what?" He rolled his eyes at me and started walking. I followed him, curious and noticed we were heading to the parking lot. "Ready to see the real me." We stopped at a grey car where he opened the passenger door for me. I smiled and stepped in, putting my books in the back seat. He got in after and drove away from our college.

"So where are we going exactly?" I asked. I started getting nervous as I remembered what Liam had told me. "On an adventure." He simply answered. I nodded and looked out the window. The sun started coming down, making the sky dark as we drove through the city. He finally stopped the car behind a small super market that seemed closed. I frowned as I watched the building. Louis got out the car and walked over to my side, opening the door for me.

I stepped out and followed him towards the back entrance where we pulled out his keys to unlock it. "Do you work here?" I asked, mentioning to his keys but he shook his head. "My sister does. The security cameras dont actually work so no one will know." He explained and I nodded. We stepped in and were in the storage room. Louis walked as I followed him towards the main part of the market. He turned to me with a slight smirk. "Hungry?" he asked but I shook my head, not wanting to steal. He rolled his eyes as he started grabbing food from the shelfs.

I stood still as I watched him running in all directions in the shop, grabbing things and laying them on the floor beside me. At one point he stopped grabbing things but stomped around groaning. "Are you looking for something?" I asked and he nodded. "I swear I they sell candles here." I giggled and he watched me, confused. I pointed to the shelf behind him making him turn to look. He started laughing as he saw that the candles had been there the entire time. He grabbed some and came back towards me.

He started placing the food as if it were a dinner with candles. He disappeared in the employees lounge for a couple minutes, coming back with two cups of microwaved noodles. He sat down on the ground with the food as he lit up the candles. He then looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. "Mind joining me?" I didnt answer and just sat across from him. He started eating his noodles but I just stared at mine for a moment. I didnt want to eat something stolen but my stomach started growling, deciding otherwise.

"I know this isnt your ideal date but its what I have to offer for the moment. Damn, people probably bring you at these fancy restaurants and shit while I bring you in a super market." He rolled his eyes at himself but I shook my head as I ate a little more. I waited until I swallowed to speak. "Its the intention that counts Louis." He smirks and goes back to eating.

A phone started ringing, making us both jump in suprise. Louis pulled out his phone, looking at the caller ID and rolling his eyes as he answered. "Lottie." He greeted softly but the voice on the other side wasnt all that soft. "Louis I know you took the keys and there is no excuse for this. I could get fired because of you." I heard a female voice speak and I then knew it was his sister. "Ready for my excuse now?" he asked calmly. "Go ahead." Lottie answered, sounding annoyed.

"Im on a date." I froze. I couldnt be on a date with him. I have Harry. Im not the kind to cheat on others and espicially not on the boy I love.

"Since when do you go on dates?" Lottie asked. Louis stared at me as a small smile creeped on his face. "Since I found someone worth the time." He then hung up without sayig goodbye. "Where were we?" He asked as he scoutted closer to me making me frown. "Louis, you have to understand that I have a boyfriend who I love very much." I was was suprised when instead of apologizing and saying he understood, he rolled his eyes at me.

"And you Niall need to understand that hes your first love and it wont last." My eyes widened as I stared at him, anger boiling in the pit of my stomach, "shut up!" I spoke loudly. He chuckled and shook his head making me frown. "Defensive. Very cute. We will just have to change the fact that your defensive towards him and not me."

We heard keys jiggle in the lock at the front entrance making us both stand up and run out the back as fast as we could. I ignored the fact that I was mad at Louis and jumped in his car with him before we drove away, fast. We were silent for a moment, the only thing being heard was our heavy breathing. I broke the silence when I burst out laughing. I couldnt help but feel this rush of adrenaline go through my body, making me excited. Running away like that was the most fun id had in a very long time.

Louis stopped the car when we arrived back at campus and looked at me smilling as my laughter started dying down. We still stayed in the car when I calmed down, Louis staring at me while I looked down at my hands with a smile. "That was actually fun." I admited. He brought his hand and placed it on my thigh, making my smile vanish. "Everything with me is fun, trust me." I grabbed his hand and pushed it away.

"Im not the cheating type." I told him and he nodded, getting out of the car. I followed his action and watched him as he started walking back to the dorms. No one else was out at this time so it was only us. "Look im sorry if you thought I was into you or something but im with Harry and im planning on keeping it that way." I called after him. He stopped walking and turned his head to look at me. "Your into me Niall. Your just scared of admiting it to yourself." He left after that and went to his dorm. I let out a sigh and decided to go back to mine.

When I walked in, Harry was in bed with his eyes closed and light snores coming from him. Books were scattered all around him in the bed and he was still in his cloths. I picked up the books, putting them away and lied down next to him after I got undressed. I brought the covers over us and closed my eyes, ready to sleep.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist as I felt soft lips being placed on my neck, making me giggle. Harry pulled me in closer as he started playing with the hem of my briefs. I turned around in his arms to face him and placed my hands under his shirt. I leaned down and started slowly kissing him. The slow kiss soon became rough and heated as I started taking his cloths off him. Soon, we were both in our briefs with me sitting on top of Harry as we made out.

We got rid of our last piece of clothing and Harry leaned over to the night stand, pulling a condom out of the small drawer. He put it on and started kissing me again. "Ride me." he whispered and he didnt need to tell me twice as I started bouncing on him, making us both moan in pleasure. His hands held my waist, thightning when I took some more in then usual. He then flipped me over and started pounding in me, making me scream in pleasure.

We soon came around the same time and Harry collapsed on me panting. He took himself out of me and lied next to me. "Where did you go today?" He asked and turned on his side, watching me. I shrugged. "I wanted to go take a look around town and couldnt find you." I lied. he nodded and pulled me in his chest, kissing my cheek before he closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

I stayed awake longer, thinking. I had thought about Louis at some point during my intimate moment with Harry and it scared me. What if he was right? What if I actually liked him? I looked up at Harry who was sleeping and let out a sigh. It was impossible. Harry was my everything and all I wanted was to grow old with him, as weird as it sounded. I had given my family up to be with him. It wasnt some stupid boy who would take us apart. A stupid sex god with tattoos and perfect brown hair. A stupid boy who made me feel like a kid again who was on a special adventure.

A stupid boy who I dreamed of that night.

A/N:so.... that was the first smut i ever wrote so yeah its not really great sorry.

did you guys see the justin bieber photo shoot for calvin klein!?! im not a fan but damn that ia hot af!

i listened to a lot of 5sos during writting this chaper. especially reject and just sayng.

anyone else going to see the boys this year? i am and its my first time so im so freaking excited! ok enough talking! i hope you all liked this chaper and enjoy the sequal so far.

so are you guys on harry or louis side rn? who should niall be with?

until next time,





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