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After released from bone crash from unknown aunty pha eyed his parents for explanation.
"Baby meet your uncle, aunty  David and Rose sulthilok" his mom said.

Pha waided them "sawadekrap uncle and  aunty "with hands clapped.

'So the unknown aunty is non other then my uncle's wife whom i ever heard from my parent's since childhood but didn't meet  them still now' pha thought on his mind he went sit beside his on 3 seated couch.

"Kong baby ,come here" pha mom called kong.

That's when pha noticed there is  another one person is also present here.

The said boy is came to near where  pha is sitted with his mom...

"Yes aunty "kong said and sitted to her left side coz pha is on her right side.

Lilly introduce them to each other. That's when pha snapped out from his thought.

"Pha we want to tell you some important matter which is related to your future"said Lilly.

Pha was puzzled , yet he just said  "Yes mom "with that he waiting for his mom to continue.


             I was puzzled by sudden hug but after my mom intro am back normal state.

When my mom called some "Kong baby ,come here" i saw direction thats when I notice there is  someone whom looks smaller than me said "yes aunty" and came sit beside my mom.

When my mom called some "Kong baby ,come here" i saw direction thats when I notice there is  someone whom looks smaller than me said "yes aunty" and came sit beside my mom

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From where he was sitted and come to my side till then  I just focus on that smaller boy only...Coz...oh...boy he just cute with pale skin(I make singto skin tone from tan to pale), thin lip, chubby pink cheeks, cute big round brown eyes with cute glasses.

I was snapped out from my thoughts when my mom introduce to me that cute boy is non other then  my cousin brother kongbop sulthilok and only son of my uncle and aunty.

After greeting are over mom said
"Pha we want to tell you some important matter  which is related to your future".

I was puzzled , yet i just said "Yes mom "with that i waiting for my mom to continue.

" thing is your going to get married with in week" my mom said.

"What...?" I was shocked. This is any kind of joke , i was fummed without further hearing from my mom  and got up from couch to ready  go to my room. But before I stairs  my mom voice stopped me.

"Please pha first hear me out and then react. Please baby come sit with me i will tell you first and  after that you can ask anything. But please don't  do any reckless things after hearing out...OK" mom told me one in go.

After a while I sat down on my old place...But this time cutie not at his place infact I cannot see anyone except mom  on living room.

Hmmm...i signed bcoz of disappointment.

Any way first is first...with that thought i ready hear out my mom what she wants to me.

My mom started her explanation.This time i decided to listen her fully instant of snap out her..."the thing I said before,you are going to get married and your marriage is not arranged by us but your grand parents I mean yours and your fiance's when you both were kids." "who is this legend girl I engaged with..?" I asked her with slight sarcasm.

First my mom was shocked of the way of my speaking coz since birth i always polite to my parents...But i think that's  not going to be anymore if things goes wrong.
After recorved from  her shock,she said most stupid thing...ok...not stupid but you know...

The thing is my fiance is not a girl but BOY...did you guys hear it...

When she knew that i didn't show any reaction or protest ( about boy fiance) she continued... " actually your fiance is not someone but my nephew. Here our kong baby is the one, you were engaged. He is not only your cousin but also he is one you are going to get married...he is your fiance".My mom said.

I was shocked... the 2nd time with in one hour...what going on..? okay i like him he is good looking with  cute face and his lips are so tempting for kiss...

Aaahh...what am thinking...

Okay..Back to topic...I asked her "is he know about arrangement and he is too young for marriage".

"Oh...yes...he knew from the childhood and he also knew you his fiance but he didn't see still now" and he is year younger than you.

Before i asking' what...???'

She continued this arrangement is made by our grandparents for our own good and also they want to continue family line through this marriage. Thats why before their died they engaged us even we were still child." and she also said" kong is special a child and  when u comes to age you will know about this. But we want both of get married with in week as per your grandparents."

Yet again  I try to ask her...

My mom cut me off "i know what do you want to ask... you think why we want to you get married this earlier...actually baby  we also don't  anything about that,  our parents only said before any of you to go uni you should get married."

I just respond her with  "hummmm".

When I was process information told by my mom... she  asked me "now baby you know everything about the arrangement and your marriage... I think u don't have any problem with this.
I just hope you won't disappoint us and also don't reject this alliance.

Baby please don't think that  we are  betrayed you from not telling you about engagement before. And also don't forget we always there for you .we always do best thing for you. Just give us a chance to prove. Say yes to this marriage baby. We knew It's surely good for both of you. Please baby give chance to this marriage atleast for kong....My poor baby(kong) he doesn't  deserve rejection , he already in so much pain " she was whispered the last part.

I was snapped out by the name of kong...

Since i am not in any relationship  or any hookups i consider my mom suggestion. Why not i give chance to this marriage..Coz' if are not into water u cannot knew u  can swim or nor'.So i decide to give chance to this marriage.

Let me tell you guys..still now I didn't thing about marriage or anything kind relationship( truth  be told one know give me any spark or grap my attentions still now...or may be before kong) and also i didn't about my partner preference still now coz i didn't know myself even if i am gay or straight or bl...but one thing is for sure if i am going to married with kong i won't mind being gay.

Coz...boy...he is just so so cute with his round glittering eyes.
I thing , to give chance to kong or our marriage is not a bad idea. We have lot of time to know about each after marriage.

With thought I assure my mom" i will get married with kong"... coz who am i kidding...i knew I already  fell in to his spell.

With my answer mom cried with happiness. And gave me hug and kiss.

I just give genial smile to her. After that i excuse myself and to back to my room.

On the way to my room I thought to ask forgiveness to aunty uncle and of course to cutie pie for my rude behaviour when we meet in dinner.

I hope i didn't gave bad impression on my cutie pie.

Oh...boy i think I am in love. Without i fell on my bed with huge smile on my face.

Okay guys i updated...please bear my poor english

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