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     Its been 5 days since their wedding ring shopping and after that their days became hectic for both sulthilok or kongathian families.

They need  prepared  wedding arrangement  with in week inorder to avoided last mins mishaps.

Even Pha and kong lives in same house yet they cannot spend time together like they guessed.Their parents wants to pha and kong knowing each other before wedding , the plans were all went to vain.

Pha mom once try to set up a date for them at friday night.But her plan was utter floped. Because of Kong's distant cousin from his mother side who came for marriage wants to tag along with them. Not only that little cousin of kong who is looks like small cute kitten tag along them but always love to stay beside his loving p'kong since his arrival. So they dropped the plan.

Whenever pha see that little kitten who is cling to his soon to be wife he felt jealous. What more irritate pha was that kitten is going to stay with MY kong at apartment  till wedding day.Let me tell you what happened and why my kong going to stay at apartment.


         Friday at noon after lunch the family of two discussed  about arrangements  and how will be going to wedding venue and flower decoration and food preference etc.

         Friday at noon after lunch the family of two discussed  about arrangements  and how will be going to wedding venue and flower decoration and food preference etc

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They discussed for guest stay and their comfortable.When comes to number of guest they are going to invite for wedding , they simply go with ,to invite close relatives only like more than 50 cause they decided to do traditional thai wedding only. They don't want to do reception at all for time being.Because their son's are too  young for marriage. Yet They decided  to do massive reception for their son's when they came to official age. Till then they want to keep it marriage as a secret.

Pha and kong  baby "are both felt offended that we decided to keep you wedding as a secret "asked pha mom looking at both of them asked them with  worried voice.

" i knew you guys are concern about our safety and wellbeing. I knew what others thought about us when they came to know our marriage that  when we both are boys.Even the society accept same gender marraige, still they can't accept  underage marriage. So i won't mind our marriage will be secret for time being , it donesn't matters  what matter is that both us safety "said pha to  his mom and give assure smile that he is okay with the arrangement.

"And for p'pha school mates  we can't  predict what they will think when they came to know about our  marriage . They may feel disgust or even worst try to hurt p'pha when he will go to school. So its better be secret for time being like p'pha said and i accept this idea mom...don't worry we won't feel betrayal or something like that " kong said to his mom who is looking at with sad expression.

Just like that Pha and kong accept the wedding to be secret , like they accept idea traditional wedding rather than modern wedding which will happen on church.

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