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Kong exams finished one by one. Each and everyday hell for kong who happen to sit on same place 3 hours straight for his exams.

He can't even complain anyone for his action. Because its not anyone fault.

Kong and pha parent's prayed to god to give will power to kong during his exams.

Each and everyday pha helped him to feed snacks and often give him juice during exams. And after exam pha help him to revise his next day exam. Thats some what help to reduce kong anxiety.

It's been three days and he already finished his 3 main papers now he just need to finish his 2 language papers only.

Every night pha is the one really frustrated because of his baby condition. He really felt pity on his baby who hard to sleep because of his back pain and his swallow legs.

Now kong is writing his exam on guest room. so everyone doing their work. And time to time send juice and snacks to kong and teacher.

So asusal pha went to his room. He seated on their room with his book. He didn't study just flip the pages only. He can't concentrate on anything. He just think about his baby only. It's always happening since kong exams started.

Then suddenly his parents and in law came to their room.

Pha...are you free now son...

Yes mae... is anything you guys want or want to ask me anything. Is kong okay...???

Pha who saw them together asked them while went to sit on couch with them.

No...actually kong is doing good and he still in his exams room only.

Kong mom assured him.

Pha felt relieved. Then he look at them and wait for their conversation.

Actually son..we just came to talk with you about...about kong.

Kong dad told him with hesitation.

What anything important. Is kong have any discomfort or he need anything now.

Pha asked him with worry.

He is good pha. Don't worry. Actually we came to tell  some important thing that you need to aware.

Pha mom told him and look at her husband and her in laws to speak them.
      He need be careful. After all he just have  2 weeks only for his delivery.

     Okay dad. Don't worry i will take care of him.

Mm...we knew how he  can't breath properly because of his big stomach. So you should check him during night time. His stomach weight will make his legs swallow even more than before. So he can't walk without feeling pain on his legs. He will surely feel miserable. You should massage his legs.

        Now he feel more stressed.  Its not neither good him nor your son.So you always make him happy.

       So I suggest you to watch him carefully. And make sure he always stress free. And make his every wish completed.

Okay mom...

And most importantly pha never... i mean never ever talk about his body even if its complement. Because pregnant people always insecure about their body shape during prregency. So complement also make them mood sore. During this months their hormones active crazily. So we can't predict how they react. For that we always careful around him especially you pha. Your each and every word will affect him badly. So always aware what you say to him. Okay.

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