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        Next day at  pha school some kids from high school junior class are playing on basketball on their P.E.T class. One them is the chubby kid who is crush on pha.

    Actually chubby kid just here to cheer his friend who is playing basketball.In fact mostly he came here before just see his crush who is star player of basketball team at their school.

      But today he just here for his friend only. While watching his friend play he heard some girls randomly goosip about some kids. Then suddenly he get alerted when they mentioned phana name. His ears become wide to hear their gossip.

      Student1: Do you know my dad went to Kongthanin mansion for full moon party yesterday.

          That student dad is one of doctor at Kongthanin hosiptal.

    Student2: they have another heir. I mean i knew senoir phana is only son to their parents.

       Student1:  Mm... dad said its their Kongthanin heir full moon party. They invited whole hospital staffs to that function to officially announced birth of their new heir.

       Student 2:  Is it...??? Looks like rumor is correct. Senoir phana really become elder brother.

     Student1:I think also. Not only that my dad said senoir phana was aleady engaged or something.

       Student 2: What...??? How is it possible. I mean i didn't thought senoir pha have girlfriend or lover.

      Student1:  Hmmm..i also don't know about that details. I just overheard my parents conversation. That's it.

    Student 2: Mmm...may be you miss heard it.

    Student 1: Yeah..may be..

     Then both start to talk about other kids without bothering about Kongathanin household anymore.

     But pha crush who heard this stunned. He can't digest the information. In fact he really confused now more than worried.

      He thought to himself'few months back they celebrated geder reveal party and now full moon party. What's really happening at Kongthanin mansion. Why its looks so mysterious. Is p'phana have already engeged. And is he really have little brother now. Actually its not bad to have cute brother. But...that engagement thing...

      Oh...god. I have crush on p'phana more than a year. What if he really engaged or have girl friend. I don't know how to feel or how to react if its true'.

         He is sad now. His mind is mess . So he left from there without inform to his friend.    
It's been week since oon full moon party. Since that day kong prepared special schedule for his p who is going to write his finals.

    So he made sure his p'pha won't  distract  from anything. For that kong made sure his p spend his time at study room most of time except his relax break.

    Pha was only allowed their bedroom at night time only. In day time if he want to spend some time with his son in between  his study time kong will take him to his  p and allow both of them play for few mins.

       Not only that he is the only one allowed to go to p study room. So he is the one make himself health food and snacks for his p and give it to him time to time. Whenever he go there pha whinned.

         He knew p missed them so much. But he can't careless about his finals. So he behave strictly with him.

        In fact kong and oon also bored to stay alone at their room. They some times play with abu. But still without pha they bored. They won't be bored at least if either of their parents with them. But both of their parents return back to their respective works.

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