(un)important - part 1 - (no ship yet)

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Summary: Logan gets ignored by the light sides again and another side decides to give him a visit.

Ship: None, yet 👀

Words: 1140

Tw: None, as far as I know.

Note: The full fanfiction has 5260 words, and I wrote it in three parts, so i'll post the three part individually. I don't think the fic is that good, because at one point I got tired and also I don't really know how to write dialog but I tried my best. Also, Janus is still called Deceit in this fanfiction. This is on purpose.


The logical side sighed as he walked into his room, plopping down on his bed. He was tired. Tired of Thomas and the light sides always casting him aside like he was nothing. They just never seemed to recognize him as important too.

Afterall, how could they? They were always too caught up in their feelings and emotions, living in a fantasy world. Of course they would be upset and annoyed if logic came around to remind them that their ideas were unrealistic. But still.. he was just trying to do his job. They never realized that maybe the things they said to him were hurting him. Logan knew that that was partially his own fault, for always pretending that he didn't feel anything. Then again, maybe the light sides did notice he was hurt, and they just didn't care.

The more Logan kept thinking about it, the more frustrated he became. Why do they never listen to him?! If anyone was the most important, it was him! He was Thomas's logic, for fucks sake. Without him they would've never even gotten this far! Without him, Thomas wouldn't even be able to function properly!

He took off his glasses and rubbed his face, running his hands through his messy hair and forcing himself to calm down again.

It didn't matter anyway. Standing up, he walked over to his desk. He couldn't spend the rest of the evening being angry like this, he still had work that had to be done before tomorrow. They were going to start filming a new Sanders Sides episode tomorrow, but they didn't yet have the script.

Usually Roman would help with it, but they were having a movie night. The creative side had begged Logan if he could please write it on his own, so he could watch the movie with the others. Not having been invited to the movie night anyway, Logan agreed. They wouldn't miss him.

He put his glasses back on and sat down at his desk, grabbing a pen. He tried to start writing, but he wasn't able to focus very well. Deep down, the anger was still dwelling inside him.

After a few minutes of staring at the empty sheet of paper, he groaned and put the pen away again, resting his head on the surface of the desk. This wasn't working. He couldn't come up with a single line for the script to write down. Usually it was so much easier but not now. Not when he was alone and angry and frustrated like this.

The lights flickered a few times, but Logan didn't seem to care. It had happened before. Multiple times. You'd think it was a problem with the power, but Logan knew it wasn't.

The lights flickered again before turning off, yet Logan was still unfazed, not even turning his head to see what was happening. From the corner of his eyes he could see some shadows start to move on the walls, and he knew who it was. A yellow snake seemed to materialize out of thin air and it slithered over to Logan, climbing up on the desk until it was right in front of him. It's bright yellow eyes seemed to glow in the dark as it stared at Logan. Behind him, the shadows on the walls gathered together and they merged into one.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" A voice spoke smoothly.

"What do you want, Deceit?" Logan asked, finally turning around in his chair, but still not looking at the other side.

The snake-like side let out a soft chuckle. He stepped forward and grabbed Logan's chin, forcing the logical side to look up at him as he leaned in close, "It's not about what I want. It's about what you want." he said.

Logan leaned backwards as a blush crept up his cheeks. Seeing this, Deceit smirked. He let go of Logan's chin and he stepped back again. "I could feel your frustration and anger. I see the light sides left you all alone again? No invitation to the sleepover?"

Logan's brows furrowed, "A sleepover? I thought it was just a movie night." he said, slightly confused.

Deceit shook his head, "Oh no, it's a sleepover. They're having lots of fun. I saw them. All cuddled up in blankets in Morality's room, eating cookies and telling stories." he explained.

"Why are you telling me this?" Logan asked, "Even if they didn't invite me, I don't care. I don't have time for that anyways. I-" his voice started wavering a little, and he cleared his throat before continuing, "-I don't mind if they have fun without me."

"Oh, but you do. You're lying to yourself and you have been for quite some time." Deceit spoke. "I know you care about them, but can't you see that the feeling isn't mutual? If they cared, why would they lie to you? If they cared, why would they abandon you and let you do all the work for them?"

Logan waved his hand dismissively and he turned around in his chair. "It's my job. I have to work. And as I just said, I don't care about it. I'm the logical side. I don't feel things and you know this."

"No, I don't know. And it seems like you don't know either. You're clearly upset about this. Just stop denying it." Deceit said. It almost sounded like he was begging Logan. "Join us. Join the dark sides. We'll listen to you, include you. We'll treat you better than they ever have. Please."

The logical side stayed quiet for a few seconds, though for Deceit, it felt like hours. "..Thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid I have to decline.." he finally said, "I'll be staying a light side, for Thomas's sake.. he still cares about me.. you should know that. Now, I'd really appreciate it if you would leave. I have work to finish."

Deceit let out a small, disappointed sigh. "Of course you do. I'll leave you alone, just- consider it, okay? If you have a change of heart, I'll be in my room."

He turned around and became one with the shadows. The snake on Logan's desk slithered away and disappeared as well. Logan was alone again. He looked at the papers on his desk, the script that still had to be finished. He couldn't get himself to work on it more. Maybe he should get some rest, he told himself. The light sides would understand if he hadn't finished the script yet, right? After changing into his pajamas, he walked over to his bed and laid down. Deceit's offer was still in his head. Join the dark sides. Logan shook his head a little as to push the thoughts away, and not much later he fell asleep.


I hope you liked the first part!

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